Circadian Daylight - changes brightness even when option not enabled

After some tinkering, I found that the culprit for colour bulbs is line 472. Commenting this out prevents CD from messing with the brightness.

Edit; actually that didn’t help. :weary:

I sent you a message, but it looks like the code didn't like the message format and may be useless. I'll see if I can get it in a more stable format.

For those interested, I'm attaching the code for my take on Adam's app. Thanks to @JB10 for giving it a pretty good shakedown.

As I mentioned before, the CT updates happen independently of the brightness functionality. So if you have Dynamic Brightness turned off, or a manual brightness update has occurred to suspend automatic updates, the CT will continue to change throughout the day.

I don't know if I can provide the level of timely support that I've seen from a lot of the great developers here, but I will certainly do my best to answer any questions and am open to suggestions.

*	Day Lights
*	Author:
*		OldChicagoPete
*	Documentation:  Future Hubitat Community Post
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*                                                                                                     *
*	Forked from:                                                                                      *
*  		Hubitat Circadian Daylight 0.81                                                               *
*  *
*	Which was forked from:                                                                            *
*  		SmartThings Circadian Daylight v. 2.6                                                         *
*                             *
*                                                                                                     *
*   Other credits from the old source code                                                            *
*                                                                                                     *
*   Custom fade-in/fade-out time:                                                                     *
*       Jeff Byrom (@talz13)                                                                          *
*   Color temperature converter:                                                                      *
*                     *
*   RGB to Hue/Saturation/Value:                                                                      *
*                                       *
*                                                                                                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*  Changelog:
*	0.90 (November 2, 2023)
*		- Soft Release

    name: "Day Lights",
    namespace: "daylightsapp",
    author: "OldChicagoPete",
    importURL: "",
    description: "Adjust device color temperature, color, and/or brightness during daylight hours",
    category: "Lighting",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: ""

preferences {
    page name: "MainPage", install: true, uninstall: true
    page name: "SunriseSunsetOptions"
    page name: "ColorTemperatureOptions"
    page name: "BrightnessOptions"
    page name: "ModeOptions"
    page name: "DisableOptions"


def MainPage(){
    dynamicPage(name: "MainPage") {

		section("<h2>Day Lights</h2>"){
            paragraph "This application adjusts the color temperature, color, and/or the brightness of your lights based on the time of day. By default it runs from sunrise to sunset, adjusting the devices selected below. Many additional options are also available."
			label title: "Enter a name for this instance of the application (optional)"
        section("<h2>Select Devices</h2>") {
            paragraph "Individual devices should only be selected for one group"
            input "colorTemperatureDevices", "capability.colorTemperature", title: "<b>Color temperature devices</b>", multiple:true
            input "colorDevices", "capability.colorControl", title: "<b>Color changing devices</b>", multiple:true
            input "dimmableDevices", "capability.switchLevel", title: "<b>Dimmable devices (requires Dynamic Brightness to be enabled)</b>", multiple:true

        section("<h2>Dynamic Brightness</h2>") {
            input "dynamicBrightness","bool", title: "Adjust brightness based on the time of day"

        section("<h2>Advanced Options</h2>") {
            href(name: "toSunriseSunsetOptions",
                 title: "<b>Sunrise/Sunset Options</b>",
                 page: "SunriseSunsetOptions",
                 description: "Set Advanced Sunrise/Sunset Options"
            href(name: "toColorTemperatureOptions",
                 title: "<b>Color Temperature Options</b>",
                 page: "ColorTemperatureOptions",
                 description: "Set Advanced Color Temperature Options"
            href(name: "toBrightnessOptions",
                 title: "<b>Dynamic Brightness Options</b>",
                 page: "BrightnessOptions",
                 description: "Set Brightness Options"
            href(name: "toModeOptions",
                 title: "<b>Mode Options</b>",
                 page: "ModeOptions",
                 description: "Set Mode Options"
            href(name: "toDisableOptions",
                 title: "<b>Disable Options</b>",
                 page: "DisableOptions",
                 description: "Set Disable Options"
        section("<h2>Logging</h2>") {
				  title: "Enable descriptionText logging",
                  description: "Logs information regarding application activity (Default: On)", 
			      defaultValue: true,
                  required: true, 
				  displayDuringSetup: true
				  title: "Enable enhanced descriptionText logging",
                  description: "Logs additional information regarding application activity (Default: On)", 
			      defaultValue: false,
                  required: true, 
				  displayDuringSetup: true
				  title: "Enable debug logging",
                  description: "Logs detailed data regarding appliction values (Default: Off)", 
				  defaultValue: false,
                  required: true, 
				  displayDuringSetup: true


def SunriseSunsetOptions() {
    dynamicPage(name: "SunriseSunsetOptions") {

        section("<h2>Sunrise/Sunset Options</h2>") {
            input "useSunOverrides", "bool", title: "<b>Use Sunrise/Sunset Overrides?</b>"
            input "sunriseOverride", "time", title: "Sunrise Override"
            input "sunsetOverride", "time", title: "Sunset Override"
            paragraph "<br>"
            input "useSunOffsets", "bool", title: "<b>Use Sunset/Sunrise Offsets (+/-)?</b>"
            input "sunriseOffset", "decimal", title: "Sunrise Offset (+/-)"
            input "sunsetOffset", "decimal", title: "Sunset Offset (+/-)"


def ColorTemperatureOptions() {
    dynamicPage(name: "ColorTemperatureOptions") {

        section("<h2>Color Temperature Options</h2>"){
            paragraph "The color temperature on your devices will be adjusted from warm at sunrise to cold at midday then back to warm at sunset.<br><br>"
            input "useCTOverrides", "bool", title: "<b>Use Color Temperature Overrides?</b>"
            input "warmCTOverride", "number", title: "Warm White Temperature (default is 2700)"
            input "coldCTOverride", "number", title: "Cold White Temperature (default is 6500)"

def BrightnessOptions() {
    dynamicPage(name: "BrightnessOptions") {

        section("<h2>Dynamic Brightness Options</h2>") {
            paragraph "When Dynamic Brightness is enabled the brightness on your devices will be adjusted from low at sunrise to high at midday then back to low at sunset.<br><br>"
		    input name: "brightnessProfile", type: "enum", title: "<b>Brightness Profile</b> (default is Gradual)", required: true, defaultValue: 1, options:["Gradual":"Gradual - Brightening begins at sunrise and reaches maximum at midday","Accelerated":"Accelerated - Brightening begins at sunrise and reaches maximum prior to midday","Delayed":"Delayed - Remains at minimum until accelerated brightening will reach maximum at midday"]
		    paragraph "<br>"
            input "useBrightnessOverrides", "bool", title: "<b>Use Brightness Overrides?</b>"
            input "minBrightnessOverride","number", title: "Low Brightness (default is 1)"
            input "maxBrightnessOverride","number", title: "High Brightness (default is 100)"
		    paragraph "<br>"
            input "usePeriodOverrides", "bool", title: "<b>Use Brightness Period Overrides?</b>"
            paragraph "Times outside of the sunrise/midday and midday/sunset periods will be ignored."
			input "brightenTimeStart", "time", title: "Start Brightening At"
			input "brightenTimeEnd", "time", title: "End Brightening At"
			input "dimTimeStart", "time", title: "Start Dimming At"
			input "dimTimeEnd", "time", title: "End Dimming At"

def ModeOptions() {
    dynamicPage(name: "ModeOptions") {

        section("<h2>Mode Options</h2>") {
            input "useModeOverrides", "bool", title: "<b>Use Mode Overrides?</b>"

        section("<b>Override 1</b>") {
            input "mode1Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode1OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode1OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 2</b>") {
            input "mode2Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode2OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode2OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 3</b>") {
            input "mode3Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode3OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode3OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 4</b>") {
            input "mode4Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode4OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode4OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 5</b>") {
            input "mode5Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode5OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode5OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 6</b>") {
            input "mode6Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode6OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode6OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 7</b>") {
            input "mode7Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode7OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode7OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 8</b>") {
            input "mode8Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode8OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode8OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 9</b>") {
            input "mode9Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode9OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode9OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

        section("<b>Override 10</b>") {
            input "mode10Override", "mode", title: "Mode"
            input "mode10OverrideColorTemperature","number", title: "Color temperature"
            input "mode10OverrideValue","number", title: "Brightness"

def DisableOptions(){
    dynamicPage(name: "DisableOptions") {

        section("<h2>Disable Day Lights</h2>") {
            input "disablingSwitches","capability.switch", title: "Select switches that will disable Day Lights", multiple:true
            input "disableWhenSwitchOff","bool", title: "Disable when off (normally disables when switch is on)"

        section("<h2>Disable Dynamic Brightness</h2>") {
            input "disableWhenDimmed", "bool", title: "<b>Disable Dynamic Brightness for the day when the brightness on a selected device is manually changed?</b>"
            paragraph "Dynamic Brightness will be re-enabled automatically at the next sunrise"
            input "reenableDimmingTime", "time", title: "Add an additional time to re-enable Dynamic Brightness"
            paragraph "If currently disabled, Dynamic Brightness will be re-enabled by clicking the Done button"

def installed() {

def updated() {

def uninstalled() {

private logDescriptionText(debugText) {

    if (settings.logDescriptionText) { "${} (${app.getLabel()}): ${debugText}"

private logEnhancedDescriptionText(debugText) {

    if (settings.logEnhancedDescriptionText) { "${} (${app.getLabel()}): ${debugText}"

private logDebug(debugText) {

    if (settings.logDebug) {
        log.debug "${} (${app.getLabel()}): ${debugText}"

private def initialize() {
    state.scheduleActive = false
    state.bypassManualOverrideCheck = true
    state.disabledFromDimmer = false
    state.lastAssignedBrightness = 0
    logDebug("initialize() with settings: ${settings}")

    subscribe(location, "sunriseTime", scheduleNextWakeup)
    subscribe(app, eventApplication)
    if (colorTemperatureDevices) {
        subscribe(colorTemperatureDevices, "switch.on", eventDeviceOn)
    if (colorDevices) {
        subscribe(colorDevices, "switch.on", eventDeviceOn)
    if (dimmableDevices) {
        subscribe(dimmableDevices, "switch.on", eventDeviceOn)
	if (settings.useModeOverrides) {
        subscribe(location, "mode", eventMode)
    if (disablingSwitches) { 
        subscribe(disablingSwitches, "switch", eventSwitch) 

def scheduleNextWakeup(evt) {
    def sunriseTime
	def events
	if (settings.useSunOverrides && settings.sunriseOverride != null && settings.sunriseOverride != "") {
        sunriseTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.sunriseOverride)
		if (sunriseTime < new Date()) {
		    sunriseTime = sunriseTime + 1
        logDebug("Sunrise Override is ${sunriseTime}")
	else {
	    if (evt != null) {
		    sunriseTime = toDateTime(evt.value)
		else {
	        events = getLocationEventsSince("sunriseTime", new Date() - 2, [max: 1])
            sunriseTime = toDateTime(events[0].value)
        logDebug("Next system sunrise time is ${sunriseTime}")
	if (settings.useSunOffsets && settings.sunriseOffset != null && settings.sunriseOffset != "") {
		sunriseTime = sunriseTime.plusMinutes(settings.sunriseOffset)
        logDebug("Sunrise offset to ${sunriseTime}")
    schedule(sunriseTime, eventWakeup)

def eventApplication(evt) {

    eventHandler("Application ${}(${evt.value})")

def eventDeviceOn(evt) {

    state.bypassManualOverrideCheck = true
    eventHandler("Device On")

def eventMode(evt) {

    eventHandler("${location.mode} Mode")
def eventSwitch(evt) {

    eventHandler("Disable Switch")

def eventWakeup(evt) {

	if (!state.scheduleActive)  {
        state.disabledFromDimmer = false
        state.bypassManualOverrideCheck = true

def disableDimmerOverride(evt) {
    state.disabledFromDimmer = false
    state.bypassManualOverrideCheck = true
    eventHandler("Reset Brighness")

def eventHandler(evt) {
    for (disableSwitch in disablingSwitches) {
        if ((disableSwitch.currentSwitch == "on" && !settings.disableWhenSwitchOff) || (disableSwitch.currentSwitch == "off" && settings.disableWhenSwitchOff)) {
		    logDescriptionText("Currently disabled by a switch")

    if (state.disabledFromDimmer) {
        logDescriptionText("Processing(${evt}) (Dynamic Brightness disabled)")
	else {

    if (state.bypassManualOverrideCheck) {
        state.bypassManualOverrideCheck = false
    else if (settings.disableWhenDimmed && !state.disabledFromDimmer) {
		for (device in colorTemperatureDevices) {
			if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on" && device.currentValue("level") != state.lastAssignedBrightness) {
				state.disabledFromDimmer = true
		for (device in colorDevices) {
			if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on" && device.currentValue("level") != state.lastAssignedBrightness) {
				state.disabledFromDimmer = true
		for (device in dimmableDevices) {
			if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on" && device.currentValue("level") != state.lastAssignedBrightness) {
				state.disabledFromDimmer = true
		if (state.disabledFromDimmer) {
            if (settings.reenableDimmingTime != null && settings.reenableDimmingTime != "") {
                def scheduleTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.reenableDimmingTime)
		        if (scheduleTime > new Date()) {
		            schedule(scheduleTime, disableDimmerOverride)
		    logDescriptionText("Dynamic Brightness disabled until reset")

    def nv = getNewValues()
	def ct = nv.colorTemp
	def bright = nv.brightness
	def rgb = ctToRGB(ct)
	def hex = rgbToHex(rgb).toUpperCase()
	def hsv = rgbToHSV(rgb)
    def color = [hex: hex, hue: hsv.h, saturation: hsv.s, level: bright]
    state.lastAssignedBrightness = bright

    logEnhancedDescriptionText("CT=${ct}K, Level=${bright}%, Color=${hex}, Hue=${hsv.h}, Saturation=${hsv.s}")
    logDebug("Color Temperature: ${ct}")
    logDebug("Brightness: ${bright}")
	logDebug("Color: ${color}")

    for (device in colorTemperatureDevices) {
        if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on") {
            if (device.currentValue("colorTemperature") != ct) {
            if (settings.dynamicBrightness && !state.disabledFromDimmer && device.currentValue("level") != bright) {

    for (device in colorDevices) {
        if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on") {
            if (device.currentValue("color") != hex || (settings.dynamicBrightness && !state.disabledFromDimmer && device.currentValue("level") != bright)) {
                if (!settings.dynamicBrightness || state.disabledFromDimmer) {
                    color.level = device.currentValue("level")
    for (device in dimmableDevices) {
        if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on") {
            if (settings.dynamicBrightness && !state.disabledFromDimmer && device.currentValue("level") != bright) {

def getNewValues() {
    def sunriseTime = getSunriseTime()
    def sunsetTime = getSunsetTime()
    def midTime = sunriseTime.time + ((sunsetTime.time - sunriseTime.time) / 2)
    def currentTime = now()
    def workTime
	def brightenStart = sunriseTime.time
	def brightenEnd = midTime
	def dimStart = midTime
	def dimEnd = sunsetTime.time
	if (settings.usePeriodOverrides) {
	    if (settings.brightenTimeStart != null && settings.brightenTimeStart != "") {
            workTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.brightenTimeStart)
            if (workTime > sunriseTime) {
	            brightenStart = workTime.time
  	    if (settings.brightenTimeEnd != null && settings.brightenTimeEnd != "") {
            workTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.brightenTimeEnd)
            if (workTime.time < midTime) {
	            brightenEnd = workTime.time
        if (settings.dimTimeStart != null && settings.dimTimeStart != "") {
            workTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.dimTimeStart)
            if (workTime.time > midTime) {
	            dimStart = workTime.time
	    if (settings.dimTimeEnd != null && settings.dimTimeEnd != "") {
            workTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.dimTimeEnd)
            if (workTime < sunsetTime) {
	            dimEnd = workTime.time

    logDebug("sunriseTime: ${sunriseTime}")
    logDebug("sunsetTime: ${sunsetTime}")
    logDebug("midTime: ${midTime}")
    logDebug("currentTime: ${currentTime}")
	logDebug("brightenStart: ${brightenStart}")
    logDebug("brightenEnd: ${brightenEnd}")
    logDebug("dimStart: ${dimStart}")
	logDebug("dimEnd: ${dimEnd}")

    def int warmCT = 2700
	def int coldCT = 6500
	if (settings.useCTOverrides) {
	    if (settings.warmCTOverride != null && settings.warmCTOverride != "") {
		    warmCT = settings.warmCTOverride
	    if (settings.coldCTOverride != null && settings.coldCTOverride != "") {
		    coldCT = settings.coldCTOverride
	def int rangeCT = coldCT - warmCT
    def int minBrightness = 1
    def int maxBrightness = 100
    if (settings.useBrightnessOverrides) {
	    if (settings.minBrightnessOverride != null && settings.minBrightnessOverride > 1) {
		    minBrightness = settings.minBrightnessOverride
	    if (settings.maxBrightnessOverride != null && settings.maxBrightnessOverride < 100) {
		    maxBrightness = settings.maxBrightnessOverride
    def int baseBrightness
	def int rangeBrightness
	switch (settings.brightnessProfile) {
	    case "Gradual":
		    baseBrightness = minBrightness
			rangeBrightness = maxBrightness - minBrightness
		case "Accelerated":
		    baseBrightness = minBrightness
			rangeBrightness = 99
		case "Delayed":
		    baseBrightness = 1
			rangeBrightness = 99
        default :
		    baseBrightness = minBrightness
			rangeBrightness = maxBrightness - minBrightness
    if (currentTime >= sunriseTime.time && currentTime <= sunsetTime.time) {
        if (currentTime < midTime) {
            colorTemp = warmCT + ((currentTime - sunriseTime.time) / (midTime - sunriseTime.time) * rangeCT)
			if (currentTime < brightenStart) {
				brightness = minBrightness	
			else if (currentTime < brightenEnd) {
				brightness = baseBrightness + ((currentTime - brightenStart) / (brightenEnd - brightenStart) * rangeBrightness)
				if (brightness < minBrightness) {
				    brightness = minBrightness
				if (brightness > maxBrightness) {
				    brightness = maxBrightness
			else {
				brightness = maxBrightness
        else {
            colorTemp = warmCT + ((sunsetTime.time - currentTime) / (sunsetTime.time - midTime) * rangeCT)
            if (currentTime < dimStart) {
				brightness = maxBrightness
			else if (currentTime < dimEnd) {
			    brightness = baseBrightness + ((dimEnd - currentTime) / (dimEnd - dimStart) * rangeBrightness)
				if (brightness < minBrightness) {
				    brightness = minBrightness
				if (brightness > maxBrightness) {
				    brightness = maxBrightness
			else {
				brightness = minBrightness	
		if (!state.scheduleActive)  {
            schedule("0 */5 * * * ?", eventHandler, [data: "Update Lights"])
		    state.scheduleActive = true
	else {
	    if (state.scheduleActive) {
	        state.scheduleActive = false
	    colorTemp = warmCT
		brightness = minBrightness

	if (settings.useModeOverrides) {
        switch (location.mode) {
            case mode1Override:
    	        if (settings.mode1OverrideValue != null && settings.mode1OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode1OverrideValue <= 100) {
    		        brightness = settings.mode1OverrideValue
    			if (settings.mode1OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode1OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
    			    colorTemp = settings.mode1OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode1 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode2Override:
    	        if (settings.mode2OverrideValue != null && settings.mode2OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode2OverrideValue <= 100) {
    		        brightness = settings.mode2OverrideValue
    			if (settings.mode2OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode2OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
    			    colorTemp = settings.mode2OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode2 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode3Override:
	            if (settings.mode3OverrideValue != null && settings.mode3OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode3OverrideValue <= 100) {
		            brightness = settings.mode3OverrideValue
    			if (settings.mode3OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode3OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
	    		    colorTemp = settings.mode3OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode3 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode4Override:
	            if (settings.mode4OverrideValue != null && settings.mode4OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode4OverrideValue <= 100) {
		            brightness = settings.mode4OverrideValue
	    		if (settings.mode4OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode4OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
		    	    colorTemp = settings.mode4OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode4 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode5Override:
	            if (settings.mode5OverrideValue != null && settings.mode5OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode5OverrideValue <= 100) {
    		        brightness = settings.mode5OverrideValue
		    	if (settings.mode5OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode5OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
			        colorTemp = settings.mode5OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode5 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode6Override:
	            if (settings.mode6OverrideValue != null && settings.mode6OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode6OverrideValue <= 100) {
		            brightness = settings.mode6OverrideValue
    			if (settings.mode6OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode6OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
	    		    colorTemp = settings.mode6OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode6 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode7Override:
	            if (settings.mode7OverrideValue != null && settings.mode7OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode7OverrideValue <= 100) {
		            brightness = settings.mode7OverrideValue
	    		if (settings.mode7OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode7OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
		    	    colorTemp = settings.mode7OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode7 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode8Override:
	            if (settings.mode8OverrideValue != null && settings.mode8OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode8OverrideValue <= 100) {
    		        brightness = settings.mode8OverrideValue
		    	if (settings.mode8OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode8OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
			        colorTemp = settings.mode8OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode8 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode9Override:
	            if (settings.mode9OverrideValue != null && settings.mode9OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode9OverrideValue <= 100) {
		            brightness = settings.mode9OverrideValue
    			if (settings.mode9OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode9OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
	    		    colorTemp = settings.mode9OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode9 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            case mode10Override:
	            if (settings.mode10OverrideValue != null && settings.mode10OverrideValue > 0 && settings.mode10OverrideValue <= 100) {
		            brightness = settings.mode10OverrideValue
	    		if (settings.mode10OverrideColorTemperature != null && settings.mode10OverrideColorTemperature != "") {
		    	    colorTemp = settings.mode10OverrideColorTemperature
                logDebug("Mode10 Override for ${location.mode} mode")
            default :
                logDebug("No override for ${location.mode} mode")
	else {
	    logDebug("Mode overrides are not active")

    return [colorTemp: Math.round(colorTemp), brightness: Math.round(brightness)]

private def getSunriseTime() {
    def sunRiseSet
    def sunriseTime
	if (settings.useSunOverrides && settings.sunriseOverride != null && settings.sunriseOverride != "") {
        sunriseTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.sunriseOverride)
        logDebug("Sunrise Override is ${sunriseTime}")
	else {
        sunRiseSet = getSunriseAndSunset()
        sunriseTime = sunRiseSet.sunrise
        logDebug("System Sunrise time is ${sunriseTime}")
	if (settings.useSunOffsets && settings.sunriseOffset != null && settings.sunriseOffset != "") {
		sunriseTime = sunriseTime.plusMinutes(settings.sunriseOffset)
        logDebug("Sunrise offset to ${sunriseTime}")
    return sunriseTime

private def getSunsetTime(){
    def sunRiseSet
    def sunsetTime

	if (settings.useSunOverrides && settings.sunsetOverride != null && settings.sunsetOverride != "") {
        sunsetTime = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", settings.sunsetOverride)
        logDebug("Sunset Override is ${sunsetTime}")
	else {
        sunRiseSet = getSunriseAndSunset()
        sunsetTime = sunRiseSet.sunset
        logDebug("System Sunset time is ${sunsetTime}")
	if (settings.useSunOffsets && settings.sunsetOffset != null && settings.sunsetOffset != "") {
		sunsetTime = sunsetTime.plusMinutes(settings.sunsetOffset)
        logDebug("Sunset offset to ${sunsetTime}")
    return sunsetTime

def ctToRGB(ct) {

    if(ct < 1000) { ct = 1000 }
    if(ct > 40000) { ct = 40000 }

    ct = ct / 100

    def r
    if(ct <= 66) { r = 255 }
    else { r = 329.698727446 * ((ct - 60) ** -0.1332047592) }
    if(r < 0) { r = 0 }
    if(r > 255) { r = 255 }

    def g
    if (ct <= 66) { g = 99.4708025861 * Math.log(ct) - 161.1195681661 }
    else { g = 288.1221695283 * ((ct - 60) ** -0.0755148492) }
    if(g < 0) { g = 0 }
    if(g > 255) { g = 255 }

    def b
    if(ct >= 66) { b = 255 }
    else if(ct <= 19) { b = 0 }
    else { b = 138.5177312231 * Math.log(ct - 10) - 305.0447927307 }
    if(b < 0) { b = 0 }
    if(b > 255) { b = 255 }

    def rgb = [:]
    rgb = [r: r as Integer, g: g as Integer, b: b as Integer]

def rgbToHex(rgb) {
    return "#" + Integer.toHexString(rgb.r).padLeft(2,'0') + Integer.toHexString(rgb.g).padLeft(2,'0') + Integer.toHexString(rgb.b).padLeft(2,'0')

def rgbToHSV(rgb) {
    def h, s, v

    def r = rgb.r / 255
    def g = rgb.g / 255
    def b = rgb.b / 255

    def max = [r, g, b].max()
    def min = [r, g, b].min()

    def delta = max - min

    if(delta == 0) { h = 0}
    else if(max == r) {
        double dub = (g - b) / delta
        h = 60 * (dub % 6)
    else if(max == g) { h = 60 * (((b - r) / delta) + 2) }
    else if(max == b) { h = 60 * (((r - g) / delta) + 4) }

    if(max == 0) { s = 0 }
    else { s = (delta / max) * 100 }

    v = max * 100

    def degreesRange = (360 - 0)
    def percentRange = (100 - 0)

    return [h: ((h * percentRange) / degreesRange) as Integer, s: ((s * percentRange) / degreesRange) as Integer, v: v as Integer]

I just had a quick play with Daylights on my Study Lamp (Colour LiFX Bulb). If I set the brightness to 70%, Daylights overrides it. eg below it went to 77%.

Am I doing something wrong?

app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.454 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): Color: [hex:#FFEFE2, hue:7, saturation:3, level:77]
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.452 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): Brightness: 77
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.451 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): Color Temperature: 5631
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.449 PMinfoDay Lights (Day Lights): CT=5631K, Level=77%, Color=#FFEFE2, Hue=7, Saturation=3
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.444 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): Mode overrides are not active
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.407 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): dimEnd: 1699001700000
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.406 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): dimStart: 1698976950000
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.404 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): brightenEnd: 1698976950000
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.403 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): brightenStart: 1698952200000
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.402 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): currentTime: 1698982610397
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.401 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): midTime: 1698976950000
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.399 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): sunsetTime: Fri Nov 03 19:55:00 AEDT 2023
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.398 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): sunriseTime: Fri Nov 03 06:10:00 AEDT 2023
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.395 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): System Sunset time is Fri Nov 03 19:55:00 AEDT 2023
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.387 PMdebugDay Lights (Day Lights): System Sunrise time is Fri Nov 03 06:10:00 AEDT 2023
app:44242023-11-03 02:36:50.380 PMinfoDay Lights (Day Lights): Processing(Initialize)

If I understand correctly, take a look at the Disable Options. There's a switch to disable Dynamic Brightness when one of your devices has been manually set to a different brightness.

Oh ok. I'd have thought If Dynamic Brightness was off, then Daylights wouldn't touch it? Seems unintuitive that I then need to turn on additional disable options?

I didn't catch that this was a color type situation and that you had DB off. You are correct, it shouldn't change the brightness in that case.

I'm at the end of my day here, but I will run this test tomorrow and get you an update.

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Cheers, I did try the additional disable option and it seems to work well.

Your app would suit my needs perfectly if "Dynamic Brightness = Off ", didn't change the Brightness at all. At least until the bulb was power cycled.

Nice work. :+1:

Ah, fresh eyes!

I haven't tested it yet, but it looks like I have a typo on line 478...

                    color.value = device.currentValue("level")

should be

                    color.level = device.currentValue("level")

If that does the trick for you I'll edit my post to correct the code. I'll also set up a test myself once I get settled in.

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I ran a test with a physical color bulb and a virtual color bulb. I was able to re-create your issue with both.

After the change on line 478 the virtual bulb is working perfectly. My physical bulb is a cheap Tuya-type that I have set up with the Tuya Cloud Driver from the community. When I specify a brightness level manually the bulb ends up with a value of one less. I set it to 40 and the bulb reports back that it's at 39. Not a big deal for a one-time event but as the app processes every five minutes setting the bulb to its current brightness level that causes it to actually slowly creep lower.

Hopefully your LiFX bulb doesn't have this same problem. I'm going to continue to think about a way to work around my Tuya issue. But in the meantime I will edit my code above with the change to line 478.

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One quick thing I have noticed with both apps is that colored bulbs with dedicated warm and cool white leds like LIFX and Philips Hue in addition to RGB, work just fine in the color temperature devices section rather than color changing.

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Legend, using color.level instead solved the issue. :+1:

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I played around with my Tuya bulbs for a while this morning - until I realized that it was a work day and I had forgotten about working - and just couldn't figure out a way to get them to behave natively. I did have some luck with using a virtual bulb and then setting up that as the parent in the Mirror app with the Tuya bulbs as children.

Very happy to see that @dJOS is up and running!

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Try the Virtual Prestaging app from earlier in the thread. I use that with my Hue bulbs and it works really well.

I posted a general release for my code. Thanks to everyone who took the time to try it out!