Chromecast Integration Not Finding Any Devices

I must be missing something. HE C-7 seems to be setup fine. Google Home app connects fine and I can make HE devices available to GH without any trouble. My google system has 6 Google Nest Minis and a new Cromecast With Google TV (v4 of chromecast). I run Chromecast Integration and it does the scan, but never finds any devices. The list is always empty.

I’ve tried installing Chromecast Helper, but I can’t finish setting that up because it doesn’t see any devices.

I know there have been a lot of problems with people getting the Nest Minis to work properly, but I can’t even get them to connect to HE.

Connections: Google Nest WiFi - Mesh with 1 access point. This is connected to the hardwired switch at the cable modem.
HE C-7 and Philips hue hub also connected to the hardwired switch.
Could there be some block of communication in the google wifi router?

I finally found it. I think the process of posting for help ga e me the idea I had missed before. For anyone with a similar problem:

It was the google nest WiFi router. It was preventing me from allowing anything upstream of the WAN port to control my nest mini speakers. I added a switch to the LAN Port, and plugged HE and Hue into the switch, putting everything on The same network and then HE found everything.

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