Still struggling! Check_circle error on Dashboard (legacy)

This is from the legacy dashboard pre-Beta install. Any ideas what is going on?

This -- which is only a warning, not an error, and not indicative of a problem per se unless you're trying to actually use this attribute (in which case it won't display) -- means the value of some attribute for a device you have selected in the Dashboard has a value for some attribute that exceeds 1024 characters.

In your case, this attribute is called list1. This would show up under "Current States" on the device detail page for whatever that device is. You'd have to look at your devices and see what one this could be, but a casual search suggests the bptworld Hub Watchdog Driver is one. So, if you're using that, I would check that device first.

If you need it on your Dashboard, you can't do much outside of modify this attribute to cap out at 1024 characters if there's no reason to go longer (or ask the author if he'd consider the same, if it's still being maintained--not sure it is). If you don't, de-selecting it from this dashboard will help. But again, it's not a problem per se (if you don't need this particular attribute).

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FYI it lists the attribute in the message "notificationText" as the one > 1,024.

Ah yes, got confused with a similar screenshot when searching.

So...maybe the mobile app device?

Not sure what fixed it.

  1. Went to each device and the light group. Disabled text logging for each.

  2. Restarted Hub.

  3. Cleared cache for Hubitat Remote app.

  4. Restarted Hubitat Remote app.

  5. Did a "Clear All Events" in the app.

  6. Went to legacy dashboard.

  7. Fixed.

I'm thinking that the "Clear All Events" is what resolved the issue.

Problem with these lights not resolved. Now getting multicolor strobe effect among the three lights. I am going to back out of Beta until I resolve this.

Does a Dashboard affect the lights even when it is not in use?