LOL!!!! oh boy... you're in for a ride.
The color names of Alexa aren't a match to Google. and neither match Hubitat which has it's own table. In the end, I created my own specific driver by modifying the public driver to my needs. I posted before a lot about this - specifically with CT, Sengled/Osram and Ledvance devices. (I'm now using a single driver to cover them all).
I've reached out to Amazon dev and recommended a dynamic color name to color kelvin map but for now, I'm sorta stuck with specific names. There is no Kelvin support - ie; can't say 'Alexa, Bedroom lights 3000 kelvin'. you get an 'out of range' response regardless of phrasing. Amazon says it's supported, but I think the packaged HE - Amazon interface doesn't bridge this.
The thing to really watch out for, at least for me initially is that no bulb I owned would go below 2705K or above 6560K. I did recommend HE make a change so as to allow 4 existing tables options as settings within the Hub, (Google, Amazon, Hubitat, and Custom) so I could match my preferred voice vendor - I think I got laughed at... hence my forking the driver... (I used the OhLaLaLabs code to deduce the device's I wanted my driver to auto-detect).
After extensive work on this, here's my last table and a link to my work on this subject: