Change in zigbee reporting with 1.1.7?

Was there a change with zigbee reporting with 1.1.7?

I have a few Xiaomi sockets (outlets) that now report status every 5 minutes filling up my logs, and I dont recall ever seeing this before.

In fact, I checked, and the change occurs about 14 hours ago from now. I updated to 1.1.7 about 24 hours ago, so now I'm confused.

Edit: same for my zigbee switches - reporting every 5 mins. Means I can remove some rules to update status.

I think you may be on to something...

dev:5 2018-11-01 07:40:22.011 pm info MultiSenZigbP (UpperBath Sink) is inactive
dev:5 2018-11-01 07:39:51.374 pm info MultiSenZigbP (UpperBath Sink) is active
dev:5 2018-11-01 07:39:40.805 pm info MultiSenZigbP (UpperBath Sink) is inactive
dev:5 2018-11-01 07:39:27.646 pm info MultiSenZigbP (UpperBath Sink) is active
dev:5 2018-11-01 07:39:09.678 pm info MultiSenZigbP (UpperBath Sink) is active

no one's been in that room for 20 mins.

That's one of my older Zigbee motion sensors.. maybe the battery?? Two Actives in 200 ms is suspicious.

No. Not battery.

All my devices (that I referred to in OP) are powered. I'll check battery zigbee devices too.

Something is up. I am getting this message but zigbee devices are still reporting in.

Nope, nothing.
Zigbee reporting is entirely controlled by the driver anyway...

Yea, I'm sliding over to the nothing column too. I started Live logging 12 mins ago and only that ONE block of logs is unusual.

Weird; all my powered zigbee devices now report on the dot of every 5 minutes.

And this started yesterday.

Was there a change in the generic zigbee socket and generic zigbee switch driver?

Edit: not happening for my own home made driver.

What driver is doing this?, hopefully it's not one of ours, what is the point of a switch telling you it's on or off every 5 minutes?

Driver: Generic Zigbee switch.

I'm throwing a Reboot-the-Hub into the ring.

Yeah, I have both of those drivers in production, not seeing any of that.
What's odd, is that duplicate events won't commit to the database unless an app has subscribed to them using the filter false option.
Are you polling any of these?

It was the Google Home app polling the devices. I disabled that about 10 mins ago now, after reading something on here elsewhere, and it's stopped.

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