Caseta + Pico + SmartBridge Pro

Which Pico driver are you using? Try the 'Fast' driver for comparison.

Did you reset the Pico? It needs a factory reset.

Doesn't removing a Pico from a Lutron Caseta Pro bridge automatically reset that Pico?

I did both. i removed the device from the Lutron App, and then I Factory Reset it (3 taps, hold, 3 taps).

I am using the fast Pico Driver, and on the Lutron Integrator, I am using q (for fast pico)

I also powered down the SmartBridge just to make sure those old Picos weren't in the devices RAM.

No. There is a specific sequence for reset of the device itself.

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Can you post some log screenshots? Start with blank Logs page, so we can see both Pico and Lutron Telnet...


Is there a way to show only those two, or do I need to diable logging for all my other devices?

Not an issue if it is the only way, but I'll need a few minutes.

Here is a screen shot of both.

1185 Lutron Bridge (Picos Only)
34 Lutron Bridge (Lutron Switches)
25 Ensuite Pot Lights
24 Master Bed pot Lights
1188 Pico (the one controlling 24&25)
998 Button Controller for the Pico

OK, too much. Turn off debug logging and do that again please.

1185 Lutron Bridge (Picos Only)
34 Lutron Bridge (Lutron Switches)
25 Ensuite Pot Lights
24 Master Bed pot Lights
1188 Pico (the one controlling 24&25)
998 Button Controller for the Pico

Time from button push to device on (34) 167 msecs.

Time from button push to device off (34) 126 msecs.

These from first logs above. That's not slow. ??

I know, according to the logs its happening as fast as it should, but if you take a quick look at the video I posted, you'll see what there is a significant delay.

Telnet is telling Hubitat that the light is on, but the Clear Connect signal to the light is delayed. Because even on the Lutron App, the Hubitat actions are instant. It is on the light switch itself where things are delayed.

If so, that's a Lutron issue, not a Hubitat issue. All we can do is command the device in a timely way, and after that it's up to Lutron. Basically, you're saying that SmartBridge is slow to respond to telnet, right? Although, that doesn't seem to be true given that the SmartBridge is responding to the command in a timely way, just not commanding the device fast. I never saw this behavior when I had a condo with CasΓ©ta throughout. But, I didn't use Picos a lot for light control, mostly motion or Alexa.

Command the device directly from telnet, see what happens. Open a telnet session, and give the command you see coming back when you turn it on or off. #output ...

Sorry, yes, it's definitely a Lutron issue. I'm assuming that in this case, when using a Pico, that Smartbridge is slow to respond.

I was hoping that adding the second Hub would deconflict, bu t alas it does not. Maybe all of the ClearConnect commands are on the same Channel or something.

I'm on hold with Lutron right now, but I doubt the first person I speak with will be able to help me. Also, I'm expecting a bit of 'well you are using a third party device so tough luck kid'

In any case I'll give myself a quick crash course in how to Telnet into my Smartbridge and go from there.

I do think though that the ultimate solution will be to replace the Picos with something else. I did note that when using Zwave remotes, all commands were executed instantly.

Is the Pico on a different SmartBridge from the switch?

Yes it is. I just bought a second Smartbridge and only loaded it with my Picos.

That's why you should do the telnet direct experiment, so you can tell them about what happens when a telnet command is given to the SmartBridge. Takes out the third party device completely from the equation.

Didn't you say the device response is instant when commanded from the device page for the switch? That's sending the same command to telnet.

This is my hypothesis as well. The Pico appears to send a short stream of commands via ClearConnect to the SmartBridge. I believe that during this time, all other ClearConnect traffic may be impeded until the RF spectrum is clear. Purely a guess...

So Pico RF channel occupancy is exceeding 2 seconds? That would be very odd.

Need a LutSniffer!


Purely guessing here... watching the LED on a Pico, an initial press (not held) will blink the LED rapidly for 1 second. If you HOLD the pico button, you get 1 second of blinking on the push, and another second of blinking on the release. Might this help to explain it?

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