I meant the woman in the picture you posted with the buttons. Asking for pictures of your wife would be out of line
lol, all good, I took it as a joke anyway.
I thought it might have been this one....
I specialise in Major Incidents, It'll be a cold day in hell before I scan that QCode mate!
I wouldn't post if dangerous...lol
I'm guessing it's a RickRoll, that's deadly AF mate!
Hmmm..... A regular poster of memes on a comical topic.... promoting himself as a sociapath.....
mingling amongst largely IT professionals observing the lack of awareness by the regular public for the safeguards they implement as part of their job...
Sounds legit. Where's my camera....
Dude.... Most IT professionals are sociopaths.... I simply follow the baseline... We also tend to be a bit masochistic....(hurt me)
I didn't say there was anything wrong with that.... It sounded normal to me.... OMG.... I must be the problem here.... Although.... looking at the photo.... I don't look too bad....
Or cannot accommodate astronauts.... (On a side note... I had to think much longer than I expected to remember the term astronaut.... )
I always wondered how spaceships worked with those giant cutouts!
The big problem is I just broke my phone in half trying to scan the code from my phone while using it to read the forum.
Rick is subtle and dangerous...
We learn more about the hierarchy.....
In case you’re still wondering…
ZOMBIES exempted.