Capture/Restore For Dimmers That Are Off Question

I'm using this approach to feed kelvin values to my Picos to set CT throughout the day for any lights that happen to be turned on (not very many motions at my house thus far so lots of Picos). The kelvin values are populated into the CT GV when mode changes occur per each one of six different RM rules. I have 6 modes.

The goal is/was to support my use case for Circadian lighting which is sort of different than what the Circadian Daylight app supports.

It would have been nice to have changed CT in the background without affecting the current on or off state of any given dimmer but that was not to be.

So, I had been using the Button Controller app to setup all of my Picos just wishing I had a clone feature like RM. Then, I heard that Button Controller might be going away and that I should consider making Button Controls in RM. Ok. No big deal, I guess. Will try that.

But, in the meantime, I remembered this thread about the Dimmer Button Controller app which was described as:

"basically an easier way than using Rule Machine or Button Controller where you have to keep specifying the devices for each button when you want it the same for all of them."

Not sure which method will work best but I would prefer sticking with core functionality/apps whenever possible.

Thanks for this thread, by the way. Was very helpful for me.

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