Cant update a C-5 running

hi im trying to deploy an older C-5 after some time of it sitting in storage. its running I got into the web browser and it shows there is an update available, but when I do the update, it downloads and extracts ok, but when it starts Applying Update, it just sits there for hours, never completes.

Any ideas?

There was a point where some changes were made to how the updates work and after a while they depreciated the old system, so anyone who never updated is stuck. You could be in that boat but I am not sure when those changes happened.

You can try using the diagnostic tool though. Use the "Download Latest" button and then "Restore Previous Version" which can also be used to update despite the name of the button.

Make sure the hub date/time is correct also, I think that can mess with updates if its too far out of sync.


You might try stepping through some older versions...?


diagnostic mode, restore previous version was the trick, now updated to 2.3.6, thanks!