Can't Figure Out Rule Machine 4

I am trying to create a simple rule that will notify me if someone opens the garage or motion is detected while I am away. I can't seem to figure that out.....any tips?

I would handle this differently. you probably want to use "changed" as triggers instead of open or active. I also like doing IF > THEN rather than simple statements, but that is probably just my personal preference. You also don't have a way to limit this to either Away Mode or some presence device in this rule, so it will run all the time no matter if you are home or away.

My rule below isn't quite complete, it is missing things like whether you want to cancel or repeat the rule, delays, and a few other things, but here is where I would start. I am far from a RM expert, so someone will probably have a better way to do this.


@neonturbo’s solution is definitely a good one but only other consideration is the built in notifications app can do the same though you would need two separate ones for your motion and contact versus one rule.

@neonturbo is incorrect. You do not need to have the triggers be "changed" if you only want to be notified immediately when they are opened or you are away. In fact, leaving them as "changed" will call up the rule unnecessarily.

All you would have to do is add the conditional action to your rule. You had the triggers right, just not the action. You just need to add the condition that Mode Is Away. Then it will only happen when you are away. However, that assumes that you're already using Mode. You could also do this based on Presence, though that is less reliable. It would all depend on what else you have configured on the system.

Have you considered setting up Hubitat Safety Monitor. It is Hubitat's built in Security solution. It can automatically be set by system Mode and can notify you as well as turn on lights. Probably worth a look.

Thanks. I think I have it working now. The reason I am not using HSM is because I often cause false alarms in the garage. I have my system disarm when I get home but usually it’s not until I am in the garage my phone location updates

HSM can have an intrusion delay also, to allow your location to update and disarm the system.

The reason I made the triggers "changed" was like I mentioned in my post, you might want a cancel, delay or repeat OR a notification that they were eventually closed. You would have to know the opposite state (inactive, closed) for these.

There are many ways to skin a cat as they say...

Hi Ryan.
Is that what this is?
If I come home and it does not come out of away mode before I open the door but does change, say, 10 seconds later then the alarm I have set up will cancel?
My thinking is this could be interpreted as I have said or it's just a delay of 30 seconds before it does anything.
I did ask about this in another thread but got no response from the HE team.

But that is not what the OP asked for. Why complicate it?

It will delay the intrusion alarm for the period of time you specify. Much like a wired alarm system will beep for so many seconds allowing you to enter the code. Disarming the system will prevent the alarm from activating if it is disarmed during the delay window.

Thanks Ryan.
I was hoping you was going to say that. :+1:
It made sense but in my tiny mind I read it 2 ways.
Over thinking things again. :frowning_face:
Very occasionally my presence, and hence HSM dis-arm, doesn't happen until I've entered ten house so this delay will do the job nicely.

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How do you use "and" triggers instead of "or"?

AND is, all these conditions together have to be true to trigger an action

Where OR is, If any of these conditions are true, trigger an action

They can be used in combination too.

i.e. If A and B or A and D are true, trigger the actions.

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RM 4 Triggers are always basically an "OR". If any of these triggers occur, then execute the CONDTIONS/ACTIONS portion of the rule.

Within the Conditions/Actions portion, you can then use "IF-THEN-ELSE" style of logic statements, thereby allowing you to use logical AND or OR statements as part of a Condition.

For Example:


  • Time is 6:00pm
  • UserA Arrives


  • IF ((Time is >= 6pm) AND (UserA is present)) THEN
  • FrontPorchLight: ON

This is just a very basic example that I hope clarifies the difference between a Trigger and a Condition/Action. Triggers just wake up a rule. The Conditions/Actions control the logic flow of the rule and perform actions on devices.


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