Can't edit device settings

Hi all,

I installed a couple of drivers and the device works fine, but I couldn't change the device setting like canceling the led light indicator or activating child lock.

Does anyone knows if there is a specific process to change those settings?
Everytime after I press "save preferences" or "save device" it's changing back to default setting.

See here : Controlling the LED Zemismart - #2 by kkossev

So basically I just need to change the desired option and press led mode?


Those are command buttons, any time you have those up top you make the selection and press the button, that will execute the command. When the page refreshes the menu will also default to the first entry.

The Save Prefs at the bottom is for the items listed in the "Preferences" section.

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@yanivsh23 One thing you should consider when doing rules or other admin functions is use a PC and a browser instead of a phone. Makes life a lot easier. Use the phone just for dashboards.


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