Can't connect to C-4; ping-able but no response

I have a C-4 that I haven't used for some time (though it has remained plugged in and on the network.)

Today I thought to get back into it, but I find that it's unreachable past pinging it. Power cycle causes it to come up on the network, get its DHCP reservation, and then it's pingable -- but it does not respond at any of the expected ports (i.e. 8081 or any of the common ports.)

The light on the front briefly turns red upon applying power, then blue.

I'd be fine with a hard reset and starting over -- but I can't find any instructions for a hard reset either.


Hard reset is a last resort and is done through port 8081. Are you trying to connect via http or https? If it has been a long time, make sure you are only using http and that your browser isn't forcing https. Then try http://yourhubip:8081

No response at all on 8081; not even through telnet.

What if you try:


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It's not an IP/protocol problem -- the device isn't listening on those ports. The only port open on the entire device is 22:


Surely there's some sort of paperclip reset on these things.

Are you sure that something else isn't at that address? Try powering it down and see if something still responds at that address.


There is no hardware reset button on any Hubitat. There is a network settings reset button on the C-5 and C-7 models, but not the C-3 and C-4.

I also suspect this. The MAC address (C4:4E:AC) doesn't correspond to the range that Hubitat uses. Unless they used a different range for models before the C-5.

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FYI - Just checked my C3 hub’s MAC address and it does start with C4:4E:AC.


Well, that’s one theory blown out of the water.

I have 3 C4s and 2 of them start with 90:EB but I do have one that starts with C4:4E like @laird

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Correct device. Did the disconnect reconnect early on to make sure, and later confirmed via MAC.

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Still no success: disconnected from power overnight, removed Z-Wave dongle. Reapplied power this morning, same behavior.

Also tried connecting to SSH using PuTTY; does connect, but no prompt, and no response to keystrokes.

@bobbyD any tips here?

Unfortunately without access to Diagnostic Tool there isn't much that can be done. It's either internal network issue (E.G Ethernet port failure) or external (E.G. something within the local network blocks the hub's access to the network).

Unfortunately without access to Diagnostic Tool there isn't much that can be done. It's either internal network issue (E.G Ethernet port failure) or external (E.G. something within the local network blocks the hub's access to the network).

Well, it's not an Ethernet port failure if I can ping it and successfully open a TCP connection with the telnet port.

How about a different cable, port on the router or power supply. Dirty contacts on the radio connections.

I know what you've reported, however I learned a long time ago that when you've exhausted the possible causes you start looking at the impossible causes :slight_smile:

I had a router some time ago that would periodically cause issues with connections. It turns out the power supply was bad. While it was able to power the router it was extra noisy causing radio issues.