Can't Add Hubitat to Google Home

I've followed all of the steps documented to add google home to hubitat. Whenever I add hubitat as a linked service in the google home app then it presents the option to select the hub I would like to allow access. I select my hubitat's name and the prompt to authorize google home api to access your hubitat devices (see screenshot).

This screen never shows any of the devices that are currently displaying in the google home app. If I select Authorize anyway then it returns from the chrome window back to google home without adding hubitat as a linked device.

Please see my private message.

An offline discussion with bobbyD uncovered that I cannot link my hub to Google until I have some eligible devices. This integration is one way so my existing cloud based switches / bulbs don't talk to hubitat. It looks like I get to load up a shopping cart :slight_smile:

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Cloud bulbs? Put them in a group, add the group to google. You can have 1 bulb in a group.

I should clarify (cloud based bulbs that are not on the list of supported devices).

You mean bulbs connected to Google Home directly? No, the communication allows google home to control your HE devices, not the other way around.

Having this exact issue, so what qualifies as an eligible device? Are these smart devices that are natively compatible with Google Assistant?

For Hubitat that is basically switches, dimmers and thermostats.

So I was able to link a Zooz Zen 27 dimmer switch to my HE. That's why I'm confused as to why Google Home doesn't show the dimmer switch when I connect to HE. Thoughts?

Did you add it to the Google Home app in Hubitat?

  1. Tried adding Hubitat as a service in my Google Home app first.
  2. Does not show my device that is connected in HE (Zooz zen27 dimmer switch).
  3. HE shows Google app after I authorized the connection but I do not see Hubitat as a service in Google Home.
  4. Tried saying "Sync devices" and nothing regarding HE appears.

What else do I need to do?

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