I just did the software/firmware update indicated in a notification I received. It progressed through the steps to installing update. After about an hour on this step, I refreshed the web page and can't get access. I can access it on port 8081. The light on the hub is blue and the hub is only about a month old. I haven't tried anything on the 8081 page as some forum posts warned against it.
OK, I'll wait for 20 minutes just in case. For future reference, how long do the update step of the update process typically take? The previous steps only took about a minute of two each.
It depends on the size of the update, but it’s usually pretty good at telling you what step it’s in if it’s progessing. Think most of my upgrades have taken less than 15 minutes start to finish.
Gave it 20 minutes. I then did the revert step and got this
Successfully updated to redirecting you to the Hub Web Interface...
It then couldn't connect. I waited a bit and refreshed and it came up. I didn't see 2.2.5 as an option of revert to previous version so I downloaded the latest. That worked, but the revert option still doesn't show it. I'm not sure why it would as it would be falling forward not back. On the normal web page, I'm seeing the notification that there is an update.