I updated my recently purchased C7 hub to .158 I think which then gave me a blue light and meant I could only access the diagnostic tool and not the web interface.
I first tried a soft reset without any change. Then a hard reset which did turn the light red before eventually turning blue again. But it was still only accessible via the diagnostic tool.
I then tried reverting to an earlier version through the diagnostic tool which seems to have worked and is now on .153. Still a blue light though and still no access to the web interface.
I also can't find the hub through the portal (either via chrome browser or the android app). It just times out. I also tried to find it using both its mac address and local ip address with no luck.
I only had the hub for a week and am new to hubitat. Not the most promising of starts.
Probably not your issue, but I thought I would mention it. When I got my C7 hub I could not access it either. In my case I had to disable the built in VPN service of my router.
You just literally wiped out everything, there is no hope of recovering anything that was on the hub.
Like SmartHomePrimer says, you will have to start from scratch with registering the hub, and then you can start adding devices, apps, rules, and everything back by hand.
Have you tried anything on that diagnostic tool, like Soft Reset or Restore Previous Version? (Don't do either of these if you have not, just curious if anything worked for you)
I have tried everything on it sequentially.
As I said, soft reset first (as advised by hubitat support) then full reset then reverting to an earlier version. Nothing has allowes me to access the web interface or find the hub via the portal.
I guess I meant after you did the full reset did you try any of those? It sounds like you tried the Restore Previous Version after the reset, but NOT the Soft Reset?
Please don't do any resets, full or otherwise. Also please contact support and start a trouble ticket. Everyone is erasing their hubs, and support needs to see the logs before they get erased.