Cannot Write to Child Device Log

I'm writing a custom device driver, that is using the "Generic Component Switch" as a child device. When I try to write to the child device debug log with log.debug(), it ends up in the parent device log. Is there a way to fix that and send the log info from the child to the child device log?

There is only 1 device driver file. The child device is added this way:

def addChildren(){
def devChild
devChild=getChildDevice("${}:Power Switch")
logDebug("no power switch found")
addChildDevice("hubitat", "Generic Component Switch","${}:Power Switch",[isComponent:true,name:"Power Switch",label:"Power Switch"])

and the "on" event is handled this way:

def componentOn(devChild){
switch (devChild) {
case "Power Switch":
devChild.sendEvent(name: "switch",value: "on")

with this for debug output:

def logDebug(logText) {
if(debugEnabled) {

Please wrap code in code blocks with this button image

def logDebug(logText) {
    if(debugEnabled) {

I dont think you can, log.debug is not a method of the device object, so you cannot call it on the component device.

What I do in my drivers is I add the devChild.displayName in front of the log entry so you know it was for a child device. You would have to send the devChild device object, or the displayName to your function for it to work.

log.debug "${devChild.displayName}: ${logText}"

You can wrapper log.debug for the child and call it from the parent. That will force the log to show up for the child.

I assume that means you need to use a custom child / component driver? It appears they are using one of the system drivers so you can only work with what you go for those.


Missed that part.

Thanks for the info. I was a little concerned it might be the case that I can only write to the child device log if I created the driver myself.

I was really hoping there was an undocumented method that exposed the log object in the generic driver, but I guess not.

The events are what is important. IMO just send the debug logs from the parent device. They should only be used for debugging anyway, not full time.

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