Cannot force remove device

I have an Aeotec recessed door sensor 7 that I'm trying to force remove. It comes up with an error 500 and doesn't remove it. What should I do? In the past I could go to z-wave settings and refresh, and it would give me the option to remove. But there is no remove option and it only says NOT_RESPONDING

I'm aware I can do this with a USBZ stick, which I have had to do repeatedly with the C7, but wondering if there's an easier way since this happens so often.

"Force Remove" is a UI (Platform) process that comes when you click Remove from a device page, etc. The Remove that appears on the Zwave Details page is something different. It's akin to the buttons and processes found in PC Controller with a USBZ stick.

"Force Remove" is (in my internal picture of how things work) focused on the Internal DB. If you have a device, it's usually in both the Internal (Platform) DB as well as out on the ZRadio's DB. The platform starts the ZRadio process, and then when that works, deletes the device from the Internal DB. If it doesn't work, it falls into the "Force Remove" process and will only remove the device from the Internal DB. That's why it's such a perfect method to acquire Ghosts/orphans.

The USBZ method is how you accelerate stubborn ZRadio removals, since there's a nightly cleanup done, or so I've read. (There's so many changes to ZWave, I'm not sure I have modern knowledge.) You shouldn't be required to use PC Controller, but it sure speeds the process.


Thanks, that clears things up a lot. Do the nightly cleanups automatically remove devices that have disappeared from the Z-wave radio?

Supposed to... clearly they sometimes take their own sweet time doing it. :slight_smile:


I'd also add to csteele's comment. Is the device powered down?

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No, it's still powered up. I was attempting to exclude and re-include in order to diagnose a possible battery sensor issue. Went through it with Aeotec and they determined the battery sensor failed and are sending a replacement. But anyway, yeah the device is still powered up as a duplicate - at least until I can fully replace it. So the "ghost" device remains...

It being a battery device the “ghost” should be benign.. Battery devices do take a bit longer to be marked as failed by the SDK, that’s when the remove option is available..

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Like how long?

I'm ready to break out the USBZ stick whenever but want to wait and see if I can use HE to do it first.

I’m not actually sure.. It’s some algorithm based on the wakeup interval and number of missed wakeups..