Cannot find my hub when trying to search on app. The light is green and I have done a rest using the rest button in the app

Cannot find my hub on the app. Have rest the hub - the light is green

Can you see it when you go to:
If not, do you see the MAC address for the hub from your router?
If so, can you connect to that IP in your browser?
If not, you can try resetting the network stack.


Yes I’ve tried connecting via MAC and IP - still not discoverable and also I have reset for 7 seconds. Too high maintenance - I don’t have time for a product that is garbage-and clearly only chat based support……… sending it back to Amazon

Welcome to the Hubitat community, sorry your first experience wasn't a good one.

That is not correct. There is official support, both on this forum, and by going to the Support button on the top of this forum. I am tagging @bobbyD who is one of the official support team members to look at this thread.

A green light on the hub generally means that it is up and running, You should be able to access it. Occasionally there could be a bad hub, a bad ethernet cable, or there is possibly something in your router blocking the hub or not configured correctly where it can't detect that the hub is plugged into the router.

The Hubitat hub works fine for thousands upon thousands of users. I would encourage you to work with support, this might not be a hub issue at all, and if it is they are very good about standing behind the product. If it is defective out of the box, they will replace your hub very quickly.


I am sorry to hear that thigs are not working out as expected. It sounds like the hub you received may have (already) been returned to Amazon, once. We have had a few incidents where Amazon put a returned hub back in stock. Unless you have an obvious network connectivity issue, may I suggest opening a return case by visiting the following page? While we may not be able to refund your Amazon purchase, at least we could help determine if this is a hardware issue or network connectivity incompatibility:

Just in case you'd like to eliminate the possibility that something within your network is blocking hub's access to your network, you may want to try the following steps:

  • Use an alternative device to attempt to discover the hub.
  • Use an alternative browser (we recommend Google Chrome for the best experience).
  • Make sure your device is connected to the the same network segment (i.e. same subnet)
  • Reboot your router
  • Power cycle your hub by unplugging the power cord from the wall outlet for 30 seconds before plugging it back.

Regardless of the decision you make, we would like to thank you for trying Hubitat Elevation.


Please keep us in the loop re: which home automation hub ends up meeting your standards.

Only if you have time, of course.