Cannot do 'Forgot Password' flow as original email account is defunct

Long story short, I do not have access to the email account that I originally used (years ago) to login/register my Hubitat Elevation hub. The whole account was discontinued by the email provider in April 2024. I have been on a months-long remediation effort to locate and correct things that I had originally used with that email address/account. However, since I do not have access to it, I cannot perform the forgotten password flow; apparently, the password I have saved in my password manager is not the one that I used with Hubitat online-- thought it seems to work for me to login locally to my hub, I think.

How can I go about getting everything resolved with this? I have purchased a newer hub, but I don't want to have to redo all my setup and configurations. Any help is appreciated.

@bobbyD can likely help.

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Send me a private message with your current email and the new one. Make sure you create a Hubitat account for the new one, first: My Hubitat

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