Cannot create periodic rule

While creating a periodic rule and filling in the data, pressing done will lead to a screen with only the rule name and nothing gets created.

I am not able to reproduce this. What browser are you using? I can do it successfully on Chrome and Safari, both on Mac. It looks like Safari in your screenshot.

It's Safari
12.0 (13606.2.11)

What version of the hub are you running? 1.1.4?

Yes, 1.1.4. It looks like the rule has been created, but with a null title.
It appears in the logs as "Rule-2.5" but not in the list with the other rules.

Yes, because it blew up. Could you remove it and build it again from scratch? Turn on Logs first. Then, see if it throws an error in the logs.

I can't remove it, it's not in the list. I would have to remove the entire RM and recreate all my other rules.

Oh, then it's gone. No worries. Still, try again with Logs. Or look at Past Logs and see if it's there with an error.

Thanks! I was able to recreate it. It has to do with Safari. It works on Chrome. Will dig into why.

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