Cannot control zigbee stack in current version

In version hub/currentZigbeeStack and hub/useNewZigbeeStack/false are no longer available and there is no way to force the hub to use the old stack. This is especially important as the new stack doesn't seem to want to pair correctly with devices. Please restore this functionality or provide a way to see the current information and change it as needed


In Platform update Release (03/28), among other changes, removed the Zigbee stack selection endpoint. I believe it also now forces C8 hubs to the new stack and the hubs prior to the C8's to the old stack.

The new stack does not work well vs the old stack. Right now, none of the zigbee devices formerly connected to the C-8 hub are working. I am downgrading to to fix my zigbee issues

I was having an issue after the last update and I had also turned off the Rebuild option. Once I did a rebuild it worked fine again. So might still need this on despite Mike recommending to turn it off.


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