Cannot connect to Hub

Hi everyone,
Really happy with my hub thus far. However I am a noob and I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment.

Had a power failure recently. I didn't backup my setting so I know I have lost everything (my fault which I;m completely ok with). However, now I can no longer connect to my hub. I am able to login, I can click on my Hub, but as soon as I do, Google says that 'The site can't be reached' and the IP address has 'refused to connect'.

What are my options.? Thanks for all the help.

This is not particular behavior I've seen anyone report (Maybe I just didn't see it), but I would actually try powering down your router for 30 sec and then power it back up. I'm suggesting this because I have a particular issue with my modem right now, where I can reach some sites, but not others until I reboot the modem.

If you still cannot connect, contact @bobbyD for support.

There is a chance that after the power outage your router assigned a different IP address to the hub, and for some reason our portal does not have its updated IP address. You might be able to find it by checking your router's DHCP assignments. Also, you might be able to get to it by typing http://hubitat/ into your browser.

If those steps fail, do contact and they will help...

Thanks guys . Will give it a go and speak with support if problems persist.