I managed to get the hub working by directly connecting it to my router, bypassing the managed switch entirely. After doing this, it started working as expected. Interestingly, once I reconnected the hub back to the managed switch, it continued to work without any issues.
Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case? Could it have been something about the initial handshake or configuration between the hub and the network that the managed switch somehow interfered with? I'm curious if this is a common issue with managed switches and Hubitat or if there's something I need to adjust in the switch settings to prevent this from happening again.
Thanks again for all the timely suggestions and help!
Not in my experience for properly configured networks. I've only run my three HE hubs on managed switches on VLANs for the past three or four years, and have never lost connectivity.
I always set reserved IP addresses on my router for hubs and other key equipment.