"Cancel Timed Actions" not working

The Cancel Timed Actions function is not working for me. Here is the rule where I want to cancel the wait actions:

And here is the rule to cancel the wait actions:

The wait actions are running as originally scheduled, even when the second rule has triggered. Why wouldn't the Cancel Timed Actions function clear those waits?


Yep, seeing the same thing here. Version Inviting Bruce @bravenel to this thread

app: 1920

app: 1921

Oh nice (not!). I will investigate...

This bug has been found and fixed for next release. Thanks!


Thanks, Bruce, and Happy Thanksgiving!

:+1: fantastic, there are a few pistons I can get rid off in favour of running in RM

Thanks, Bruce. Much Appreciated!

Cancel Timed Actions for "Wait for event: When time is..." is working. Unfortunately, "Wait for event: --> elapsed time..." isn't.

app: 1920

app: 1921 same as posted above


I'll look into it. Wait for Elapsed time is a new feature, could have been overlooked in the cancel.

Yep, it's missing that. Fix is complete....

Thanks, Bruce!