I have a rule for the evening to fade all light up over 30 minutes..
But.. if for example someone wants to turn on a light in the kitchen on a brighter level I want to stop the timer action for this specific bulb.
Is there a way to do this? When I set cancel timed action > rule machine > specific rule,
It applies to the whole rule, I would like to be able to choose a specific bulb to stop the timer..
The only other way I see it is to split my evening rule in to a bunch of rules.. but that would be a mess.. and would only be a good way if it was possibly to group rules in some way.
It should be noted that "Cancel Timed Actions" really applies to the entire rule, not just the "Fade dimmer over time" action (or, as you note, not just specific devices)--there are a few things that are affected by this action, as indicated in the UI. It's possible this is the only thing that is affected for you, but this is one reason the cancellation would not be tailored towards specific devices.
So, splitting it into separate rules would be one way to address this. If you have a ton of bulbs, I could see this not being a clean-looking or easy-to-create setup; but if it helps, there is an experimental "clone" feature in Rule Machine (currently accessible from the parent app, assuming you're on 2.2.8), which may help after you get one rule created. There is no way to "group" rules, other than the fact that they are all child apps that will show up under the parent Rule Machine app, but you can creatively name them to effectively group them together. There is no functional difference in outcome from how the app list is displayed. Using groups instead of individual bulbs may also help, but I don't know your specific circumstances.
An alternative: how long is this fade? If it's 30 minutes as mentioned, you might be able to just use "Set Level" with a transition time (converted to seconds). Test this on the device page first, then if it works use the "Set dimmer" action in Rule Machine (which runs this command). Zigbee devices can generally support a bit over an hour and a half as a maximum value here and Z-Wave a bit over two hours, but specific devices may vary; however, it's likely 30 minutes is within the native capabilities of you devices.
Why do this instead? This will generally be a smooth, not a "stepped," fade, and it's generally done entirely on the device; the "Fade..." action in RM, in contrast, simulates this with repeated commands sent to the devices by Rule Machine. And--this will probably be the most helpful part for you--an "On," "Off," or "Set Level" command sent to the device will generally stop the transition, so you don't need to worry about doing in the rule. All of this means it might work better for you and be easier to set up. Unfortunately, that won't work with all devices, and not necessarily for as long as you want, but I'd definitely recommend trying this first if you haven't.
Thank you for the reply and thank you for the explanation about "Set dimmer", I had no idea that this command was done on the device itself.
I tried to use this method, But the bulbs seem to start from the last set level and not from 0 and go up.. is there a way to reset the bulbs before the dim level starts?
Try adding a small delay (maybe a second or so? higher won't hurt, though...) between the first and second "Dim" actions (i.e., between the one that sets it to 1% and the one that begins the long fade).