Cancel Alert not working

Testing Night mode.

Arm night mode, open door to trigger delayed intrusion alert, confrim the alert trigged! , click my cancel alert switch with an auto off after 500 ms, delayed alert still shows.

Can only remove after disarming night mode.


I have tested and failed to resolve an issue I’m having with delayed intrusion alerts. While I can cancel regular intrusion alerts, have the system reset properly, and trigger another alert, I am unable to do this with Delayed Intrusion Alerts. These are the steps that I tested:

Switch Mode to Night or Away
With contact is open arming alert is triggered
Rule initiates to reset mode back to Home mode and require rearming after closed contact

Switch Mode to Night or Away
Confirm HSM is armed
Open contact and trip delayed intrusion alert
Wait for delay alert to cycle
intrusion alert is triggered - phone notification received
Cancel alerts with designated switch
confirm alert is canceled
repeat steps above with success

Switch mode to Night or Away
Confirm HSM is armed
Open contact and trip delayed intrusion alert
Cancel alert with designated switch

And this is where it gets weird. The alert notice on the HSM screen for delay intrusion does not clear. The logs don’t show anything being cleared, but does show the cancel switch being activated. I also DO NOT receive a text notification for the alert which would indicate the alert has been canceled.

Open contact to initiative another delayed intrusion alert
logs show NO warning for alert was triggered
No text message of new alert
Delayed alert does not change to regular Intrusion Alert
HSM still shows original delayed intrusion message and can’t be cleared
System appears frozen and failed to reset.
Can only clear by disarming

I really need some help on this as this is causing issues with system reset anytime we return home during Night Mode and wanting to keep system armed but just clear alerts. Away mode is slightly less of an issue since we’ll usually just disarm the system back to HOME.

I'm curious about a few things.
What is your cancel alerts switch?

@april.brandt It’s a virtual switch that auto offs, selected as the switch to cancel alerts. Works on intrusion alerts but having the issue on the delayed alerts. Initiated from the dashboard.

Show me the screen? Can you post a screenshot of it? What is the auto off delay? How much time?

Will do when I’m back home. Auto off is probably 500 ms

That sounds great. I, too have noticed this in some cases, but it's been a long time. I do some of this stuff by rule instead. Sorry to be so inquisitive about it. You did post an extensive troubleshooting play-by-play.

No I appreciate it! I was thinking about switch it all to rules too.

Noticed as well that when I armed the system my wife had a door open and it tripped the alarming alert instead of allowing the arming delay. I get it but errrr.

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I'll be in and out all day, but should be sitting here by early evening again.

Doing more testing, but here is view of the cancel alert switch.

And a preview or my arming settings. Delay time varies as I'm testing, but all there.

Further tested. alerts canceled once they're no longer pending, but can't cancel when pending.

For now I created a rule to:

Disarm Away during the day: Just sent mode to home which disarms the system and cancels alerts. This is just using Mode Manager

Disarm Away at night: Sets HSM status to home to disarm the system, then set mode to Night to arm HSM for Night after 2 second delay. This cancels alerts and puts system in proper mode.

Seems like an unnecessary workaround but it works.

EDIT: Created a couple rules in the end.

  1. Cancel Alerts - to replace the HSM function. Sets HSM to disarm and then sets back to appropriate status based on time of day. I disabled the HSM function of cancel alert switch and just using my own.
  2. Arming Alert Reset - Reset the mode if arming alert is triggered so rearming can occur based of mode manager
  3. Disarming Cancel Pending Alerts - when disarming Away mode, it will cancel pending alerts and set the correct mode (this one i explained above)