I recently went though and replaced a large percentage of my old z-wave switches. For the most part, I remembered to exclude the old switches before removing them and wiring up the new one. One a few occasions (it seems now like it must have been 4 times) I forgot to exclude the old switch. I force removed the device, and I figured that would be fine since I don’t plan on reusing the old switches anytime soon. I noticed this morning, though, that I appear to have 4 “ghost” devices in my list that I cannot remove. If I force remove them, they just show back up again in the z-wave information screen. It will either ask me to discover or re-initialize them. If I do that, then remove them again, it just starts the cycle over again. The name and type are both just “Device”. Based on the Device Network IDs, they seem to be remnants of my old z-wave switches I forgot to exclude. I’ve tried rebooting the hub as well as repairing the z-wave network. Nothing seems to make any difference. It’s really starting to get quite frustrating.
A couple of things to try here:
And this thread:
I have 3 devices that won't go away, one was the 4th device I added to HE back in February that has been excluded from my hub for over 4 months now. @bobbyD and I have been in communications about this but it appears that an engineering fix is needed. Hopefully with more people complaining about it, that fix will come sooner than later.
What was the fix for this issue? I have 2 dead switches that i cant remove.