Can someone please say "I've done that too!" so I don't feel quite so, ah, dumb?

Let me know if you guys ever wanna come to the Burgh.... Will show you wonders... Biking, Hashing, and Breweries...

That's happening out here in SoCal also, a nice change to get back more of the road for bikes, so you can ride safely.

Vienna, Austria, has great bike access/lanes, was really pleasantly surprised to see how well set up they were when we were there a few years ago.

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That's the one thing I'm getting away from. Too many angry people on the road. Back in Sept my buddy's brother was run over, died after 6 days... Ghost bikes all over the place because of road ragers, people that don't pay attention, or rednecks who get a thrill buzzing bikers. The majority of bikers follow the rules of the road, but these asshats can only focus on the bad ones which makes all bikers bad and therefor sub human not worthy of safety or even life. I mean hell look at that 16 year old that ran over an entire group in Tx. Thousands of examples. I stopped road riding when I finally had to use the collapsible baton that I carry on someone's windshield because they tried to buzz us when we were on a ride.

Wow...that's crazy (needing the baton). Luckily we've never run into anything like that out here, and the vast majority of our riding in town is on isolated bike paths, with some very limited/non-busy road-riding to connect between areas. We currently only ride on the weeked as my wife is still working, so never on the bike during heavy commuter traffic.

When we visit LA there's a great bike path that runs along the beaches and goes over 20 miles, so that can provide a nice (safe) ride up and down. Of course there are the occassional do-do head biker who is unsafe, or a walker who decides he/she is going to walk on the bike path.

My neighbor's best friend was run over on a road near our homes a few years back - really sad. Driver just ran into them, used the "I didn't see them" defense and was let off. I still don't get why you can't say "I didn't see him" about a car, motorcycle, lamppost, or whatever, but you can say it about a person on a bike. Just shameful.

I have to admit, much of my motiviation for bike riding is more about the lunch stop in the middle, than the ride itself. :slight_smile: We always try to schedule a stop at fun hole-in-the-wall in the middle of a ride, either one we haven't tried yet, or a past favorite. :slight_smile:

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Heh, we're beer oriented bikers are selves. Though my wife and I are also Hashers (look up Hash House Harriers wiki) So any given ride has many beer stops be it trails or rails

Yup - there was, and I assume/hope still is an active Hash House Harrier group locally. Friend of mine use to Hash, and could not get enough of it. My wife, alas, is not a runner, and frankly my knees are at the point where I'm not either, so these days we're either walking, biking, or free-climbing. (Kidding about that last one, wanted to try to regain a little cool.) :wink:

@danabw I'm not a runner either. (Wife is) A good kennel will always have Turkey/eagle trails.

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True...I am just making excuses. :wink:

I had forgotten their ever:

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We went to several of the parks this past summer. Zion was nice, but Bryce Canyon was more awe-inspiring.

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You're actually going to hit both. We're going to stay in Springdale and spend probably two to three days in Bryce and two to three days in Zion. We're going to go to both early in the week and that'll help us decide that we may want to put more time in one versus the other.

I keep hearing different opinions from friends and acquaintances who have been to both parks. Some of them say Bryce is their favorite and others prefer Zion. Obviously they're both beautiful but I wish you people would agree on the same park as your favorite so we can simplify our trip planning. :wink::+1:

Bonus points for anyone who whips up an automation involving ANT+ ► Strava ► cloud ► Hubitat! :slight_smile:


Well strava is open API... hmmmm. I bet @bptworld could do it!! :stuck_out_tongue: Write a rule to open your front door takes getting KOH... LOL


Most people think the reason T Rex can’t clap is because they have short arms.

The real reason they can’t clap is because they are extinct. :sunglasses: