Can I update the driver to ignore Java.lang Error from Zigbee Switch

I am getting a continuous error from 2 zigbee dimmers that I have. Admittedly they are 'no name' devices. They work well, no issues there.

Is there anyway to correct this error? (I am not a coder/developer - sorry)

Both are using the Generic Zigbee Dimmer Driver.


Thanks for any advice or help.

Maybe, can you enable debug logging in the driver, then post a screen shot of the logs?

I tried switching one over to the " GE Zigbee Dimmer" driver... the switch so far is behaving properly.. and the error has stopped.

Here is the log for the second of the same dimmer, still on the Generic Zigbee Dimmer Driver.

Did you have enable debug logging enabled in the driver?
I really need to see the logs with than enabled.

I have it enabled on the device page under preferences. That is the only place I know of to enable logging...

Ok, so it blows up using the generic zigbee dimmer driver, but not when using the ge zigbee dimmer driver, is this correct?

Yes correct. Here is the one on the GE Dimmer Driver .. considerably 'quieter' ... Maybe thats just my simplest solution.

Perfect, it does show me exactly what I was looking for.
I don't know if the data that's being sent every 2 minutes can be disabled or not, but I would not run off and fill your house up with these...
I'll be able to fix the other driver so it at least won't generate those errors.

Cool. Yeah they were a clearance sale buy that I got for $8 each... other than the logs error they have worked really well.

Thanks Mike!!

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