So I'm thinking of purchasing a Hubitat...
Can I set a Rule or Trigger on Sunset or Sunrise...
and actually have no devices to control...
patience.. I will make sense soon...
I would like the action to be a http://ip:port/ctrl.htm?P;5;on
I have an HP miniserver in my basement running Ubuntu server...
It has a serial interface to an X10 controller... I use Perl scripts
to control lights and cron to schedule lights turning on/dimming/turning off.
I have over 15 modules in use ( some I've had since the 1990's )...
to transition to z-wave without the high cost of replacing all X10...
I was planning to use the Hubitat as a scheduler... and when I have need for
a new device, purchasing a z-wave item... or occasionally updating one
X10 to a z-wave.... trying to start simple...
can I do it...?
Sunrise and sunset are available as "triggers" in Hubitat for both Rule Machine and custom apps (or any app that has it). I'm not really sure exactly what you're asking since you said "HTML" specifically but it appears you just need to just send something over HTTP (perhaps all encoded in the URL?), but either way, you should be able to make it work some way, likely with RM (I have a preference for custom apps because I understand what's happening better, and that should definitely work).
Definitely sounds like an interesting setup and a good way to integrate both systems until the magical day when your Z-Wave controller (Hubitat) can handle it all! I've heard of a few people with X10 who probably don't have a sever like yours that can receive "commands" to perform actions, so I'm sure many would be jealous of your ability to integrate with a newer system.
In addition to Z-Wave, note that Hubitat also supports ZigBee (and can, of course, communicate over your LAN), as I'm sure you're already aware. For switches, you'll find plenty of good Z-Wave options, so that sounds like a good plan to me. (There are some classes of devices where I prefer ZigBee, but this isn't one.)
sure seems to be the long way around to the goal. You have a Linux box, just go get sunrise/sunset from any of the places that publish it or run yet-another-script to acquire it. Astro::Sunrise is supposed to be able to supply it.
Sure, but if he wants to eventually transition to Hubitat, I think it makes sense to start using that for the "brain"--then the Z-Wave devices can be put in the rules/apps as the X10 devices are replaced.
The goal is to have HUBitat be the only source of control commands.
Whether to the Linux box or to directly to z-wave components...
I don't do sunrise sunset on the Linux box... I have cron set up
to simply adjust on and off times based on the month of the year...
Functional.... (crude but functional) I would remove the cron entries
and just use Hubitat for everything....
If I can send an http request directly from Hubitat... then i can start
learning in small bits without discarding what works...
And I did mean an Http request not html... my oops...
Exactly what I had in mind...
My X10 setup works on the local LAN only... that's what sparked my
interest in HUBitat... local control...
I can bring up an html page and turn X10 lights on and off from my phone...
It also logs all commands run... cron or html accessed... I can tell by the
ip address in the log if it was accessed by one of my windows machines or by my phone. It's fun to play ...
I'm not 100% sure this will help you or if it is on the path you wish, however I know Hubitat can communicate to and ESP8266 board via WiFi. You would need an app to format / parse the communication. But the communication is in simple strings (in my case JSON). Perhaps you could communicate with your linix box the same manner.
Can you give me a few more details on how you do it...
All I need is to send a http request with a get string...
The Linux box will parse the string and perform the action...
Hmmm... does the HUBitat expect a response ?
that would make it more complicated...
Rule machine can now send simple http get requests as an action. Trigger would be sunset. Easy rule to set up.
Thanks for the example!!!... exactly what I’m looking for...
Just ordered a hubitat... :-)...
Thanks for all the help....
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