Can I get a bit of help on my code?

One line of code is giving me trouble. I've a driver that was written some years ago, that causes a bug in HE to show - groups do not handle values for HSL that have decimal places and needs integers. The original developer has been very sick and I don't want to bother him, so I've taken it upon myself to make a personal, customized version of his driver (which works very well I might add!)

The original line:
sendEvent(name: "hue", value: settings.enableHueInDegrees ? parameters.hue/3.6 : parameters.hue)

My code:
sendEvent(name: "hue", value: settings.enableHueInDegrees ? (parameters.hue/3.6).intValue() : parameters.hue.intValue())

I don't understand what the Question mark does or the Colon so I'm just stuffing .intValue() on all the sendEvents which is working but I hiccup in this one spot. Thanks.

Here's a helpful reference: The Apache Groovy programming language - Operators

The x ? y : z thing is an example of the "tenary operator," which I'm sure you'd find in the link above. Just a shorter way of something like:

if (x)

For your actual problem, it's not clear to me why what you have would fail, at least from a techincal persepective. What, exactly, "hiccups," and are there any errors (in logs)? However, from a practical perspective, I'd probably use Math.round(x) instead of x.intValue() so that you get the nearest integer rather than just truncating everything fractional.

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thanks. I had guessed it was a shorthanded if/then!

Okay - @bertacbd1234 - very good point. I'll go change the hue.intValue() to a Math.round(hue)...

I wasn't actually getting an error, it just wasn't changing the color of the light strip.


Color me pink!

the customizations to the Magichome Wifi strip driver work perfectly! Even getting white to work!