Hello this is a Smartapp for ST that monitors a multi-sensor for acceleration and vibration to monitor your washer... Iād like to use it in HE... Thank you
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* Laundry Monitor
* Author: SmartThings
* Sends a message and (optionally) turns on or blinks a light to indicate that laundry is done.
* Date: 2013-02-21
name: "Laundry Monitor",
namespace: "smartthings",
author: "SmartThings",
description: "Sends a message and (optionally) turns on or blinks a light to indicate that laundry is done.",
category: "Convenience",
iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/FunAndSocial/App-HotTubTuner.png",
iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/FunAndSocial/App-HotTubTuner%402x.png"
preferences {
section("Tell me when this washer/dryer has stopped..."){
input "sensor1", "capability.accelerationSensor"
section("Via this number (optional, sends push notification if not specified)"){
input("recipients", "contact", title: "Send notifications to") {
input "phone", "phone", title: "Phone Number", required: false
section("And by turning on these lights (optional)") {
input "switches", "capability.switch", required: false, multiple: true, title: "Which lights?"
input "lightMode", "enum", options: ["Flash Lights", "Turn On Lights"], required: false, defaultValue: "Turn On Lights", title: "Action?"
section("Time thresholds (in minutes, optional)"){
input "cycleTime", "decimal", title: "Minimum cycle time", required: false, defaultValue: 10
input "fillTime", "decimal", title: "Time to fill tub", required: false, defaultValue: 5
def installed()
def updated()
def initialize() {
subscribe(sensor1, "acceleration.active", accelerationActiveHandler)
subscribe(sensor1, "acceleration.inactive", accelerationInactiveHandler)
def accelerationActiveHandler(evt) {
log.trace "vibration"
if (!state.isRunning) {
log.info "Arming detector"
state.isRunning = true
state.startedAt = now()
state.stoppedAt = null
def accelerationInactiveHandler(evt) {
log.trace "no vibration, isRunning: $state.isRunning"
if (state.isRunning) {
log.debug "startedAt: ${state.startedAt}, stoppedAt: ${state.stoppedAt}"
if (!state.stoppedAt) {
state.stoppedAt = now()
def delay = Math.floor(fillTime * 60).toInteger()
runIn(delay, checkRunning, [overwrite: false])
def checkRunning() {
log.trace "checkRunning()"
if (state.isRunning) {
def fillTimeMsec = fillTime ? fillTime * 60000 : 300000
def sensorStates = sensor1.statesSince("acceleration", new Date((now() - fillTimeMsec) as Long))
if (!sensorStates.find{it.value == "active"}) {
def cycleTimeMsec = cycleTime ? cycleTime * 60000 : 600000
def duration = now() - state.startedAt
if (duration - fillTimeMsec > cycleTimeMsec) {
log.debug "Sending notification"
def msg = "${sensor1.displayName} is finished"
log.info msg
if (location.contactBookEnabled) {
sendNotificationToContacts(msg, recipients)
else {
if (phone) {
sendSms phone, msg
} else {
sendPush msg
if (switches) {
if (lightMode?.equals("Turn On Lights")) {
} else {
} else {
log.debug "Not sending notification because machine wasn't running long enough $duration versus $cycleTimeMsec msec"
state.isRunning = false
log.info "Disarming detector"
} else {
log.debug "skipping notification because vibration detected again"
else {
log.debug "machine no longer running"
private flashLights() {
def doFlash = true
def onFor = onFor ?: 1000
def offFor = offFor ?: 1000
def numFlashes = numFlashes ?: 3
log.debug "LAST ACTIVATED IS: ${state.lastActivated}"
if (state.lastActivated) {
def elapsed = now() - state.lastActivated
def sequenceTime = (numFlashes + 1) * (onFor + offFor)
doFlash = elapsed > sequenceTime
log.debug "DO FLASH: $doFlash, ELAPSED: $elapsed, LAST ACTIVATED: ${state.lastActivated}"
if (doFlash) {
log.debug "FLASHING $numFlashes times"
state.lastActivated = now()
log.debug "LAST ACTIVATED SET TO: ${state.lastActivated}"
def initialActionOn = switches.collect{it.currentSwitch != "on"}
def delay = 1L
numFlashes.times {
log.trace "Switch on after $delay msec"
switches.eachWithIndex {s, i ->
if (initialActionOn[i]) {
s.on(delay: delay)
else {
delay += onFor
log.trace "Switch off after $delay msec"
switches.eachWithIndex {s, i ->
if (initialActionOn[i]) {
s.off(delay: delay)
else {
delay += offFor