Calculate smart plug Run duration & frequency

You only need to single click the file to open it.

In your last line, you have the variable name as timeUse but the variable name is timeuse.

You are correct - single click.
I saw that capitalized U when I posted the screenshot and wondered if that would matter. Apparently it does. I've fixed it.
Now when I single click on the file I get a blank page with '8-null' on top.

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I use Hubigraphs to track the on off cycling of my hot water heater blower fan. A Zooz smart switch measuring power controls a virtual switch for the graph input. On the graph you can see when it turns on and for how long. The vertical green bar is an indicator of when a recirc pump turns on.

I'm not sure about the file. Maybe try deleting it and let the rule recreate it.

One thing I realized I led you astray on. Instead of "write to file" you want "append to file"

I made the recommended revision; "Write to file" is now 'append to file"
The file is returning some sort of data, but I don't understand what it is returning. This is what the file now shows when I open it:

Just figured it out. It is saying:

13 & 14 are an enigma, but the others makes sense. Any way to get a carriage return so the data present as more readable?

In your line for appending to the file:

"%timesUsed% - %timeUse%

So, just hit enter at the end of the line and save.

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