New user to Hubitat, found device on http : // hubitat gave it a name checked for updates this did not work. Tried to register device with an an account create before it redirects but still offers registering device. Tried creating another account using same email says account exists. In log file I see the following:
Error at point 184a6a Connect to service cloud hubitat com 443 [service cloud hubitat com failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Both updating the hub and hub registration are cloud functions. Without the hub being able to connect to the cloud, neither will be successful. The reason the hub is unable to connect depends on two things: local network setup and internal hub clock. The latter can be addressed by connecting to the hub and navigating to Settings, then Hub Details. If you scroll down you'll see a button to update the internal time based on current browser time. The former will require further investigation on your local network settings.