C8 Hub not issuing commands

I'm not sure where to start. I set up my C8 hub a few months ago, and I haven't had any issues until about a week ago when devices stopped responding. I didn't think much of it. I rebooted and everything started working again. Since then, it happens everyday. It will work for a few hours after reboot and then with stop issuing commands. I can see button presses and switch changes in the the app, and I see actions run, but the lights and switches don't respond. If I try to turn of a light in a dashboard, it won't do anything, but I turn the light off, I can immediately see the action in the log for that device. It isn't isolated to any specific device. It affects lights, switches, and locks from different manufacturers. I updated the firmware around the same time this started happening, but that was the only change. What can I do to continue troubleshooting this issue? Thanks in advance.

Update to this. I rolled back the firmware and it didn't help. Also rebooting doesn't help. I have to unplug it to get it to start working again. My Zigbee devices all seem to be working, but none of the zwave ones work. I did a zwave repair and all the nodes came back as failed.

Do a soft reset.

Go to yourhubip>>settings>>backup and restore.

Click the Create and Download button to download your current database. This will also clean that database if there is corruption in it.

Go to yourhubip:8081 and do a soft reset.

Upon reboot it will ask you to restore, pick the database you downloaded to your pc.

Next check to see if Jumbo frames (anything over 1500mtu) is set on any lan devices (you don't have to worry about wifi just hard wired devices including your router)

Thanks, Ill give it a try

I did the backup and soft reset. It didn't appear to help anything. Everything works for a few hours and then the all the zwave devices stop working. Looking at one of my switches, I see "on" commanded from a dashboard in the Event page, but there is nothing in the logs. For my zigbee devices I see the action in the Event and in the Logs. It is still receiving zwave info from all the devices, but not issuing commands.

Something bad is going on with your zwave mesh and it is locking up the radio chip.

Post screenshots of the entire Settings > ZWave Details page (may need multiple screenshots).
Preferably after a couple hours of uptime, the stats get reset when you reboot so its more useful to have some uptime before looking at it.

I may have made some headway. Looking at the logs, I noticed a couple of devices spamming the network. Both were Aeon Labs Smart Energy Switches. I unplugged them and the zwave network immediately started responding again. I've attached a picture of the logs. Device 59 and 63 are both the same Aeon outlets. I have plugged device 59 back in, and it has been working for a couple of hours so far.

Plug them back in as they are repeaters and will hinder your mesh by being gone. Once they're plugged back in, turn off power reporting and see if things stabilize

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Yes for sure turn off the power reporting on them, or set very long intervals / thresholds. If you are not using it for anything leave it off. If you do need to use the power info I would first wait a bit see how things work with it off. Then turn it back on with the highest interval / threshold you can tolerate.


Thanks, I left one plugged in overnight, and everything was still working this morning. I will plug the other back in later today. I set the power interval reporting to 5 minutes. I am not really worried about the power from those devices at all.

I would set it higher in that case, 30 minutes or more, or disable it if there is an option. No sense in adding extra traffic on the mesh.

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I don't there was a disable option, but I could set it to 24 hours. I will play with it again tonight.

I plugged both in last night and set the reporting to 1 hour, and turned off detailed reporting and logging. That was the longest delay for those plugs. I had a Zooz plug where you could set it to 24 hours, which I also delayed. Everything was still working fine this morning. It is strange that I just started having issue with those plugs. I've only been using Hubitat for a few month, but I didn't notice any issues until last week. I have been using them with ST since 2016.

It may be an issue between the 500 series z-wave chip on ST and the 700/800 chip on the c7/c8. Just speculation. A couple of zooz products behave the same way.

Power reporting can be very bad on your zwave network. If you don't need it either disable it or set it to the highest values possible.

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Thanks, that's an interesting comment about Zooz. I had 8 Zooz dimmers in my house and replaced all of them because they would stop responding to physical and virtual presses to the point I would have to pull the tab to reset them. That only happened every once in a while, but still annoying. I swapped them all with Jasco switches last year while still using ST, and didn't have any issues after that. I reinstalled one of the Zooz switches after I switched to hubitat, but it still froze every few weeks, so I gave up on them.

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Looking at the logs the only things I had reporting power on a regular basis were the two Aeon plug and a zooz outlet. I disabled what I could and set the maximum reporting interval for the rest.

I have never heard of that happening before. Especially with physical presses failing to work. Something unusual must be going on with your home wiring, a power quality issue, or maybe even the lightbulbs? What did Zooz say about this? Which switch model were these?

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They were ZEN27 switches. I had them installed for a couple of years before replacing them, so it wasn't an extremely regular occurrence, but enough to be annoying. All of them were setup as virtual 3-way switches, where one switch controlled the lights, and the other was a no load dummy that I only used the buttons to control the main switch. I did it this way because the rooms were not wired for a 3-way switch, but there was a switch with power by the other door. I had four identical rooms with this setup. I had issues with all the switches reporting offline, investigating them, and they would be frozen, the indicator light wouldn't change until I pulled the tab. It happened on both the loaded switches and the no load switches.

Used to happen to me as well with the same device, ZEN27, the entire firmware of the switch seems to lock up. Not sure if it was updates from Zooz, updates from SiLabs on zwave, or just a better mesh, but it NEVER happens anymore.

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