C8 Antenna Options?

My Z-Wave definitely worked w/I believe was a "pure" Zigbee antenna (unless it was also mislabled) - I assumed the original Z-Wave anteanna is still on-board in the C8, and activates unless a valid Z-Wave antenna is connected to the SMA ports? More work for HE to remove the internal antenna so they just left them there? I haven't looked...

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AFAIK, it isn’t.

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Another mis-labled antenna then. Lucky for me or I'd have been going crazy not getting why Z-Wave wasn't working! :wink:

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Maybe not. An antenna designed for 2.4 GHz will still transmit lower frequencies. Just with much lower efficiency.


New ants came today .. Seems it have made it better :slight_smile:

Here is the before on z-wave ..

Here is the after on z-wave ..


Whoa! Those are MUCH longer than
I imagined they would be! Does it stand to reason that they should have better range and signal than then the atock antenna? These were for a Beta hub. Wonder if i wouldn’t be better off putting them on the production hub and putting the stock antenna on the beta hub?

New antenna in the front, stick in the back.

Comparison Time! Same device. Different hub, different Antenna .
The device is a Zooz Zen25 Double plug. first shot is on a C8 with the stock antenna

Second Shot is the Same Device, on a C8 With the Huge antenna above:

Can anyone tell me if these antenna are any better, wors, or the same? I'm not really sure what I'm looking at. I'm guessing it the LWR RSSI?

I thought you were adding antennas to a C8 that had no antennas?

I did... The hub in the picture above closest is the hub that had no antennas. it's the hub in front with the large antennas. I just didn't realize they would be that large.
The hub on the left mounted to the wall in the back is the production hub with the stock antenna.

The device in the pictures above is the same device. I originally had it added to the production hub (the white detail page), then excluded it and added it to the other hub with the new antenna (the dark detail page). Both Hubs are C8 (standard).

I think we may have found the source of some other users’ zigbee issues :rofl:.


That’s what she… never mind.

Quite an impressive setup! Did you use double-sided tape on that hub to keep it from tipping over?


With these antennas? Nope. Stayed up right on its own. He hubs on the wall are mouned on top of some USB cpu cooling fans with Gorilla putty, and the whole thing is also mounted to the wall with the putty.

I think i may have found an issue (uneducated hypothesis) i think these could be over powering my production wave mesh. After about a day of this on line my automations started acting up. Stuff triggering that shouldn't , other that should didn't. No logs for any of it. Took it back down. If it settles down, i think it'll confirm it, then maybe switch them to the production hub?

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I surmise It’s possible that it’s creating interference. Are you using a different Zigbee channel for your dev hub than you’re using on your production hub?

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I actually didn’t enable the Zigbee radio on the beta hub. It was my Zwave devices that were freaking out. I only have 6 Zigbee devices. I primarily use zwave.

Ah, got it, sorry. Missed that in the discussion above.

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For poops and giggles I shut down my primary hub, replaced the stock antenna with these things, rebooted and gave everything a day to settle back it. No bueno. I was having all kinds of issues with stuff hanging up, and not responding. Needless to say i went back to the stock antenna. So not I'm back looking for replacement for my antenna less test hub. any guggestions?

Never mind :innocent:

I wanted to chime in here with a discovery I made this past weekend. Long story short I migrated a C7 with the antenna mod to a C8 Pro earlier this year. On the C7 I was using the L-com 5 DB Rubber Duck antenna that was recommended in the mod post. When I setup the C8 Pro I used this same antenna because of how I have my hub mounted on the wall, I wanted the antennas straight up vs on the side. The stock antennas don't bend.

All was well with the zwave migration: all devices worked well and things were snappy. A month or so later, I went to replace a bum Jasco switch and I couldn't get new devices to pair on the new C8 Pro. I reached out to support and they couldn't find anything wrong either. I ended up booting up my old C7 and replaced the switch and did the cloud migration again and didn't think anything of it until this past weekend.

This past weekend I needed to remove several zwave devices and replace yet another 2017 era Jasco switch and again nothing new would pair. Zniffer showed no NWI packets coming from my C8 Pro zwave radio. I moved the hub upstairs closer to my PC running the Zniffer software but this time I used the small antennas that came with the hub and boom device paired! For giggles I grabbed the L-com antenna from downstairs and nothing would pair and Zniffer again showed no NWI packets.

So for some strange reason this L-com antenna worked great on my C7, worked well with migrated devices on my C8 Pro, but wouldn't allow anything new to be paired.

I wanted to post this here in case anyone else is using these antennas on their C8 and you are having issues.


Good to know, thank you.


Following up to my post above. I purchased the 3db version that @aaiyar uses and it works great. NWI packets are going out and devices are pairing. Again very strange the 5db version isn't working on this hub.