C7 Zigbee radio offline

I am still on the C7. After running with it for about 4 months without a single Zigbee issue, I started getting zigbee radio offline issues. It first happened in early April, and it has happened 3 times since then. I am running the newest firmware and I am pretty diligent at updating them.

I’m not sure what I can do to help, but one feature request would be that it automatically reboots itself when it becomes offline. At this point, I must first realize that nothing is working, to then go and reboot my hub manually. Which means that my rules could be failing for hours or days without me noticing, and since I use that for controlling my greenhouse, it could potentially ruin it (by keeping the heating on for way too long, or watering way too much…)

That's pretty lame. Hopefully they come up with something.

I'm perturbed enough by the 8 second zigbee outages, lol.

Earlier, when it was more serious, I tried putting together some reboot rules based on 'location event' trigger. I tried testing by turning zigbee radio off, but it never picked up on it. Maybe it would if there was a real outage, I don't know.

Good luck.

How does the reboot action work ?

You test the action in the rule creation window. It just does it. No questions.

I never verified that the trigger actually worked though, since my hub hasn't actually, really, crashed. :slight_smile:

Thanks, In the mean time, I also found the app hub rebooter which you can configure to trigger off of a virtual button. So my action rule now goes from Zigbee offline to pushing a virtual button that triggers a reboot.

Now I guess I just need to wait until the next Zigbee offline error.

I note that in your rule, you should probably send the notification before rebooting, I don’t think running rules keep running when a reboot happens, so you wouldn’t get notified.

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I just tried it. It worked.

Would it be dependable when shtf, I don't know.

I also have some virtual switches that do that Post action to reboot or shutdown, without the notification.

I used to have a notification rule that told me when the hub restarted. I think I'll reinstate it and get rid of the Notify in the reboot upon zigbee/zwave crash rule. That'll take care of anything that causes the hub to reboot (aka, restart).


Well, I can now confirm that it does not work. The Location: zigbeeOff event never triggers the rule...

Posted a new thread here Location: zigbeeOff event not triggering

Even with 4 threads or so re-activated, there doesn't appear to be much interest. Wake up out there! :slight_smile: