Hi all,
I need assistance/help how to remove ghost device with security S0.
I was able to remove ghost device where security is NONE but not able to perform the same on ghost device with security S0.
Please help. Thanks
Getting log entries below each time I ran REMOVE device: sys:12021-02-25 16:29:04.591 Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message. sys:12021-02-25 16:27:26.070 Z-Wave Network responded with Busy message.
First thing I would check is to make sure the hub cannot communicate with the device. Whatever device this ghost is for, remove battery/cut power to it, then try to remove the ghost from the hub again.
Next thing I would try is the "power shuffle" - shut down hub, pull power (at the wall, not the hub) for 30 seconds, power back on and try ghost removal again. This will cycle power to the radio in the hub, which doesn't get powered down during a hub reboot.
That's because for whatever reason the status is OK. As long as the hub thinks it can talk to the device, and the status is OK, you will never get the remove option.
I miss the old days when window screens were metal. 3-4 wraps of extra screen material (which I always had in the garage because metal screens kind of sucked in terms of durability) around things made a great Faraday cage.
Now all of mine is fiberglass/plastic/whatever material.
I've had to hit "Remove" five or more times (I think my "worst case" was 8 or 10 tries?) to get rid of a stubborn device. It won't hurt to try it a few more times and might work at some point.
There are sometimes some stubborn ghosts that just don't go away via the Remove button, unfortunately. In that case you need to use a UZB stick w/PC software...info below:
I hope @bcopeland is submitting all of these SDK quirks/"features" back to SiLabs for fixing. Their device failure/removal process in the current software rev pretty much sucks.
Such an issue with removing I have with just ghost device where security is S0. I had about 3 ghost devices where security was NONE and they were removed without any issues.
Not necessarily a security level issue making the removal more difficult, but I've never had to remove an S0 Ghost so I don't have any specific experience there. I have removed S2 Ghost devices using the Remove button.
Like I said, give the Remove button a few more tries, you may get lucky, and just takes a few minutes to try a few more times.
OK...so unfortunately looks like you're going to need to use a UZB stick to remove the ghost.
The good news is that it's very reliable process, bad new is you need to purchase a UZB stick and go through the process outlined in the PDF at the link I provided above.
Yep, I have to order one of those UZB sticks but I don't know if they are available in Europe.
Do you know if described process in PDF is also compatible with some alternatives sticks please?