(C7) Device with no clusters, but works fine?

I added another device to my C7 last night. (I'm on the tail end of a migration of devices from a C5.)

The device is a Honeywell T6 ZW thermostat. It included fine, or so it appeared. I chose to include it as S2 Unauth, really for no good reason other than 'just because.'

It works fine. Normal flow of log entries and it responds to remote commands. The problem is that it shows that it doesn't have any clusters -in or out- on the Z-Wave details page.

This is the first time I've had any inclusion issues on the C7 I couldn't quickly overcome. Should I do anything to 'fix' this? I tried rebooting the hub, but that didn't correct it. I have not yet tried a full power down.

For reference I’m also seeing the same thing on my T6 and it’s been that way since inclusion (a couple of months at this point). It’s always worked so I never mentioned it before.

@bcopeland any thoughts on this one? Not sure whether it some sort of device oddity or a bug.

Given things work, probably something that can just be ignored, certainly a little odd though.

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Thanks! I thought about the 'if it ain't broke...' mantra, but thought this may classify as 'broke.' Even though it worked. Perhaps my internal logic gates need a little work. :grimacing:

Hey, @bcopeland! If you're going to crack the hood on the T6 code, could you look at this error? It has always been there, but seems a little more prevalent on the C7.


T6 Built-in driver?.. Also is there any more to that error in the log?

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Yes, built-in.

And no, that’s it. No line numbers or anything like that. I can try enabling debug logs and triggering the error if that would help.

One reason to exclude and re-join w/out security would be if you wanted to use @bcopeland's "Advanced T6 driver."

His driver does not play nicely w/T6's joined w/security.

My T6 is included w/no security, has normal clusters...when previously included w/security, it also had clusters.


To note mine is joined with no security and I don’t have any reported clusters. I do think when I originally joined it, I had to go the route of clicking discover on the zwave details page.

Either way, I’m not too concerned. It’s working and I’m not experiencing any issues.

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Oh no you don't...that's not how members of this forum behave. Who do you think you are, leaving well enough alone?! You MUST field strip your T6, clean with alcohol wipes, reassemble, and try again. :wink:


Only a piano light is worthy of that behavior!