C5 vs C7 Hardware

Is there any reason to replace a C5 with the C7? Maybe there’s an article on this topic somewhere? Thanks!

The biggest difference is in the z-wave chipset. Otherwise I believe they’re pretty similar in terms of hardware specs. Try searching the forum for keywords like C7 and 700 series z-wave, you’ll see a lot of threads come up.

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There are a few ZWave devices which aren’t compatible with the C5 hardware. There are also a few C5 devices which aren’t compatible with the C7 hardware. I don’t know why but that’s what the compatible devices list shows.

Perhaps it’s to do with the S2 stuff, but if that’s were the only reason I wouldn’t expect C5 devises to be incompatible with the newer hub.

Thanks! So I’ll stay put unless and until I have issues getting something to work.

You’re probably not missing out on anything unless all the latest and greatest z-wave hardware and hub features is super important to you. Or you want another hub for some additional reasons.

But it’s also possible to upend a perfectly functional setup and create new z-wave issues while transitioning to a C7 hub too.


If you move from C-5 to C-7 you are only moving from a Z-Wave Series 500 radio to a Series 700 radio in the HE. Keep in mind the device support between these two radios are not identical, so make sure you evaluate all your Z-wave devices. Some only work on the C-5, some only work on the C-7. It's just a handful of devices that are challenged, but if you have them it will matter.

Apparently the 700 series Z-Wave radio is more powerful, so that may be an advantage. Also, the C7 hub should eventually support Z-Wave Long Range.