Built in OpenWeather Driver results in exception

I've loaded the built in OpenWeather driver. Put in my V2.5 key but get no date only this error. Is it me or perhaps a configuration error? (no changes to any default values, only the V2.5 Key)

I could use the Mathew version however I'm only looking for the basic info.


OpenWeatherMap - getWeather() execption java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in query at index 64: https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip=06410,United States&APPID=198d75223b43d99c37bd12566305d2fc&units=imperial

SOLVED. It seems the optional Latitude and Longitude are not optional.

hmmm. Didn't Open Weather start "deprecating" (end?) the 2.5 API in September, and everyone needs to change to the 3.0 API?

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Probably, however then I couldn't get the Hubitat internal openweather driver working I tried the V2.5 and it worked. I just now change to the V3 key and it works as well.