[BUG REPORT] SwitchColorGet(colorComponent:warmWhite?


I'm debugging zwave RGBW drivers and the following issue threw me off:

I have the following code to log received zwave messages:

String multiChannelEncap(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd, ep) {
	logTrace "multiChannelEncap (V3): ${cmd} (ep ${ep})"
	if (ep > 0) {
		cmd = zwave.multiChannelV3.multiChannelCmdEncap(destinationEndPoint:ep).encapsulate(cmd)
	return cmd.format()

When formatting the zwave message, I kept on getting colorComponent:warmWhite from SwitchColorGet and colorComponentId:3 for green.

Everything worked ok but I thought I was doing something wrong because of: colorComponent:warmWhite

e.g. see log below
SwitchColorGet(colorComponent:warmWhite, colorComponentId:3)

dev:5462024-10-01 08:31:33.318 AMtraceStairs RGBW kitchen : isColorUpdateEvent: green in [green:0]
dev:5462024-10-01 08:31:33.316 AMtraceStairs RGBW kitchen : SwitchColorReport (v3) SwitchColorReport(colorComponent:green, colorComponentId:3, value:39, targetValue:0, dimmingDuration:10) (ep 0)
dev:5462024-10-01 08:31:33.313 AMtraceStairs RGBW kitchen : parse: zw device: 3F, command: 3304, payload: 03 27 00 0A , isMulticast: false --PARSED-- SwitchColorReport(colorComponent:green, colorComponentId:3, value:39, targetValue:0, dimmingDuration:10)
dev:5462024-10-01 08:31:32.990 AMtraceStairs RGBW kitchen : sendCommands() count: {2()}
dev:5462024-10-01 08:31:32.989 AMtraceStairs RGBW kitchen : multiChannelEncap (V3): SwitchColorGet(colorComponent:warmWhite, colorComponentId:3) (ep 0)
dev:5462024-10-01 08:31:32.985 AMtraceStairs RGBW kitchen : multiChannelEncap (V3): SwitchColorSet(colorComponentCount:4, colorComponents:[2:0, 3:0, 4:40, 0:128], colorComponentBytes:[2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 40, 0, 128], dimmingDuration:255) (ep 0)

@bcopeland is this bug in formatting the zwave command for SwitchColorGet?