There is unexpected/illogical behaviour when using Notifications with Mode as the trigger and restriction too is Mode-based.
I want to use restriction because I want the notification to fire when Mode goes from Night to Home but not when it goes from Away to Home.
Only when current mode is Night does it show the app as not restricted - this would also be expected behaviour, i.e. that the restriction applies to the existing Mode and not what it changes to. However, in this scenario the notification does not trigger when Mode changes to Home.
It will only trigger when the restricted Mode is set to Home - in other words, the same as the Mode change it triggers on. This obviously makes this type of restriction redundant and it is therefore impossible to achieve my objective.
Your screenshot did not upload, and that might make your description clearer. However, if you're talking about the Notifications app and using a mode under "Restrictons," the behavior you're describing is correct and not a bug. Restrictions in Mode Manager are very simple: if an event happens but a restriction is in effect, the notification will not be sent. Nothing will happen if/when the restriction becomes no longer in effect, regardless of what state any relevant devices, etc. may be or not be in at that time--unless another event happens when not restricted. Events are, in essence, what make things happen (or not if they don't).
If you want other behavior, you'll need a different approach--perhaps a Rule Machine rule. Someone can probably help if you aren't sure how to make this happen, given more information.
I am indeed talking about the Notifications app and not Mode Manager. It still seems counterintuitive to me that a Notifications app is showing as not restricted and yet does not fire on the trigger. While if I set it to restrict on Home while being in Night mode, it is shown as restricted but still fires. Equally counterintuitive. But hey ho, I'll no doubt find another way
Would love to include screen shot of the app, but apparently my account is still restricted.
I suspect there's something just odd about that setup; mode will never become Home while mode is Night (because the "trigger" of having changed to Home means it's no longer Night), but your restriction should make it run only when Night. However, I'm not exactly sure when the restriction evaluation takes place (an event subscribed to and tracked on its own, versus a condition checked after the "trigger"), and the behavior may be the opposite if my prior assumption is incorrect or unreliable if the order is not guaranteed in any way.
I'd probably just use a Rule to avoid this, and then you'll know exactly what happens when since this behavior is documented. With Rule Machine, you can use the "required expression" feature to prevent trigger events from mattering when the expression is false. This can be used to trigger only on specific state changes. In your case, a required expression of "Mode is Night" and a trigger of "Mode becomes Home" should work if that is the particular transition you care about.