Yesterday I set up my HE C-5 and added my first and only Zwave device. I love it so far but found something in the setup process that can be improved.
Problem: During initial setup, zip code is collected, but in Location and Modes the device defaults to Eastern time and a random location in the middle of the USA. Being asked where you are and then not using it for time zone is misleading.
Expected: If you are asked for zip code, it should be used to set location and therefore TZ.
Solutions? Set rough location and time zone automatically from zip code. Or, request the user to enter all necessary location info during setup, instead of just some of it. Or, request none of the info during setup and use a notification to alert the user to visit the Location settings.
HE version: Apologies but I did not note the version out of the box, but based on release dates and and when I bought the unit, it was probably 2.2.0.x.
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I am an old programmer. I'm so old, I used punchcards to run FORTRAN on CDC Cyber-80 series mainframes and paper tape on KSR-33s connected to DEC-PDP 8s and 11s in the 70s.
Let me firmly say one thing about "auto-setting time zones" - DON'T. Just for one example, try and work out what time the conference call is when a person from Indiana says "1pm our time". You have several rabbit holes to go down here, as parts of Indiana are "CDT" and parts are "EDT" right now, and others are still on "CST" or "EST" because they have decided to not do daylight savings. There is a very funny video here that makes the point in much greater detail at
The people doing the Hubitat code have limited resources of people, time and memory space, and NONE of it should be wasted to save you from setting you own Timezone and daylight savings on/off.
Or just "be a man" and run on Zulu time (or as we used to say about logs - "UTC or GTFO"! )
That's fine. Setting time zone should then be an explicit request of the user in setup. It's important to common activities like dusk/dawn.
As is, you have to go dig for it in the location settings.
What is zip code even used for? I couldn't tell. It didn't seem to look up anything at all. If it isn't used, it shouldn't be asked for.
Edit: PS I am an old product manager, so I am perfectly happy arguing with programmers about what their time should be used for.
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When a product manager identifies himself as such, do not trust him, as he has already told you one lie, and is certain to tell more.
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How do you know when you are sitting next to an experienced technology professional? He'll tell you.
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You old goats are hilarious...
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Just make sure that when on UTC at 00:00 the hub sends a TTS to all voice devices that yells out "RADAY" or "Now hear this : Allballs!"
Some marketing dweeb wanted to know where all the customers live.
More than likely, a product manager.... touche!