Bug .. jobs with sunset minus xxx not updating correctly on dst change

see the following job.. did not reschedule correctly on dst change.. sunset here now is 6:51 not 7:51.

simple "update rule" fixes it.


I believe I saw the same behavior on a simple automation rule. Clicking "Done" seemed to fix it.

DST seems to cause some people issues but not others. I have rules with sunset, sunrise and both with offsets. They may well misfire straight after a DST change but I just leave them alone as the next day when sunset/sunrise is re-scheduled, they always work OK.
Of course this is not ideal but just the vagaries of DST and I accept it.
Would be nice to get it fixed though.

yep, obviously it will fix on next day.. edge case, that is why i was reporting it.. hard to test unless you run your own time server.


Yeah, known issue. Fix is getting worked on as we speak....


Simple rule with sunset minus 10 did not fire this evening. Same issue last November during cst change.

Btw, this rule did not fire at all

Have not rebooted since last update

Not sure if the same thing or not. After DST kicked in, all my Simple Automation Rules (subset/sunrise rules), from the Hubitat web interface perspective, worked fine. In real life, they did not do not appear to run at all. Latest updates and reboot did not resolve things last night.

Example: Simple Automation Rule to turn off deck lights 1am

  • review of hubitat logs show Simple Automation Rule firing at 1am to turn off deck lights as it should have
  • review of hubitat device page shows deck lights device is is off, as it should be
    -> however, deck lights are actually still on in morning <-
  • click of "refresh" on the deck lights device updates the web interface to changes to reflect the actual status of "on"
  • manual click on deck lights device in web interface to turn off, works