Bug in WebCore? Not updating Room lighting activator value

I have been going in circles trying to get a bulb group to dim from WC.
It's looking light WC doesn't grab the current value of the Activator and therefore fails to execute the Fade command.
You see the value of 40 in the Room Lighting app for this Activator but WC says it's 5 and fails to do the Fade.

+16ms ║╔Execution stage started
+50ms ║║Command optimization: Skipped execution of device command [Master Bedroom Bedside Group Activator].setLevel(5) because it would make no change to the device. (1ms)
+51ms ║║Executed virtual command [Master Bedroom Bedside Group Activator].fadeLevel (5ms)
+533ms ║║Executed device command [Master Bedroom Bedside Group Activator].off() (478ms)

You can disable command optimization if you think the optimization is affecting you.


I don't see an error in your logs you showed.

I am doing a Fade from 40% to 5% but the logs in WC indicates the level is already at 5%; HE shows the device is actually at 40%. The lights just turn off instead of executing the fade.
Or am I using this incorrectly?