I have a couple of Iris contact sensors paired to Hubitat, one brand new and one that I had been using for a long time with SmartThings. I just noticed that when the reported temperature hovers near 32F both of them report 1211 degrees. Granted, they are spec'd to operate 0-40C but I suspect something else may be going on here, possibly with the driver code handling the 0 degree C temperature value.
Reason I don't suspect the sensors is that I've been using several of these (motion and contact) outdoors for going on two years and they don't report strangely on ST, even down to -13F. I ran into a similar situation with an Ecolink device on SmartThings; anytime the temperature fell below 32F it started report impossible temperature readings; a DTH update fixed that.
This is a typical event log I'm seeing where temperatures approach 32F. I've reviewed pages of logs with temperatures > 32 and haven't seen any anomalous readings with those:
Was that sensor an Ecolink? Try updating the ST DTH.
None of my Iris sensors outdoors have ever shown that behavior with ST. I'm using five of them outside, going on the second winter and this one has been much colder. Almost always have temps below 32F, several times below 0 F; they always work fine. Here's what my outside sensors reported on Jan. 7th (all the exterior sensors are Iris contact or Iris motion, the one reporting -12 F is the one that now reports 1211 degrees in the refrigerator ):
I replaced the ‘Generic Zigbee Contact Sensor’ Hubitat driver with a suitably modified version of one that my ST setup uses; now temperatures below freezing are logged correctly, confirming that the Hubitat version (as well as the Generic Zigbee motion sensor driver) only display valid temperatures >= 32F . Problem has been logged with support.