Bug ? Clone a rule, then change it.. still shows old variable as part of rule.. no way to delete?

Private Boolean for This Rule will now reference the original rule's private boolean, as well. You'll need to reset those to 'this rule.'

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What are you talking about? Those are global variables. Why would they change in a cloned rule?

talkinga about a clone rule..

the in use is incorrect.. it was in the original rule,, once i cloned it and edited the new rule the variable is NO longer in use in the new rule. See above it says teslatemp is in use in the "set new tesla charge limit" rule. Not sure short of deleting and recreating the old global after the rule clone how to fix it?

i cloned the set tesla temp rule to create the set tesla charge limit rule..

OK. There may always be weird issues with cloning rules that have/use variables. That's why it says (Beta). I'll put it on the list to look at. The cloning process does not deal with the In-use-by list for GV's.

thanks dont think it is the cloning that has the issue.. i think anytime you edit a rule that has a global variable and remove it.. it does not relink the in use info..

could be also in the cloning as well..


There may be holes wrt how GVs get removed from the In-use-by list. That's all a royal PITA. The idea was to give you some idea that a variable is in use by a rule, so you didn't mess yourself up by removing it. Maintenance of the list is very difficult, because there are too many paths by which a GV can go from being used to not being used.

Removing the rule DOES remove it from that list.

But, I bet you that importing a rule does not put it on the In-use-by list. Although, in some cases hitting Done in the rule might accomplish that.