Update: So the advantage of not having many RM rules on my C-7 yet? I can remove RM and reinstall it. This would be a harsh way of resolving this issue if I had multiple rules. So hopefully someone can duplicate and debug it.
Update 2: So I am kind of sure this is related to as I was able to delete a global variable on my C5 running
The fix for your bug wasn't released yet, and would have nothing to do with the OP's issue.
I can reproduce this. I'm looking into what the issue is. I suspect it's the colon in the name... This may have ganked up your GV's in general. I'll know more in a bit.
So, the problem is in fact the : in the name. I'm going to put in a fix for that. Hopefully, when this fix is released, you'll be able to delete the GV, and going forward a colon in a GV name will not be a problem.
I have a similar problem that surfaced with Hub Mesh. A GV that doesn't show up in the UI of the local hub, but does appear in the device list (under RM Connectors) in the other hub. Not clear how to delete this "shadow" GV?
Do you have this connector device on the hub that is sharing for Hub Mesh, the source hub? Did you share that connector device? Screenshots would be helpful to explain what you are talking about.
And here's the UI within RM showing GVs. The GV in question, Sun_Azimuth, is conspicuously absent. Note the underscore in Sun_Azimuth, not to be confused with the GV in use, "Sun Azimuth" without the underscore.
It's as if there is a shadow connector in the hub that the UI doesn't present, so I cannot delete. I won't bore you with more screenshots, but suffice it to say that this connector comes along in the hub mesh. How do I delete this?
On the source machine, create that GV again. It should reconnect to the connector, then you can remove the connector. Let me know if that works for you.
Hmm, the mystery continues. I added the GV again with the same name, per your instruction. I saw it show up on the UI every so briefly and then it disappeared without any action on my part. Then I tried adding a new GV, just as a test. The UI let me add the GV, but it too never showed up on the UI, so no opportunity to delete or add a connector. Something strange is happening. I'm having no other problems with my hub that I'm aware of, and the log shows nothing of note.
It is absolutely ridiculous how user-responsive the Hubitat team is. Tip o' the cap to you, sir. You have my genuine respect and appreciation. I know things aren't perfect, but your user-orientation goes a looonnnnnggg way in my book.
I hope you never lose this flavor that you all bring.
It worked. I had to recreate the Connector after recreating the GV. Then, deleted both, first the connector. All is good in the world again. Again, props.