Broadlink Problem

Hi, I've been using broadlink on Hubitat for a long time. But just this time I found the problem, in Apps-Broadlink Device Manager (BETA)-Device, I can't find my broadlink. It actually appears like this. Anyone know how to fix it?

Thank You

Best Regards

What do the logs say?

@putudhony88 did any of the ip's change?


Hi @thebearmay thank you for your reply

this what i got from logs

Thank you

Thank you for your reply @rlithgow1

I use static ip for the broadlink

Not familar with the code but someone who has it available should be able to look around line 485 and give you some alternatives.

I looked at the code, do you understand what this code means?

Iโ€™m guessing you have multiple files in play for this app. The one weโ€™re looking for will have a method that starts something like:

def DiscoveryPage() {

somewhere shortly before line 485, and line 485 will contain a variable name with .size() attached.